You initially decide how many blocks you want when you create your basic plan organization. You will be billed for those blocks at the start of your billing period.

If another block is needed:

  • No action is required and you will not experience any interruption; a block will be added automatically.
  • You will be billed for additional blocks at the end of the billing cycle, not at the time additional blocks are added.
  • This will increase the default number of blocks you are billed for in future months. The next billing cycle will include the new larger number of blocks.


  • You sign up for 4 blocks on January 1, and are charged for it 4 blocks. This the beginning of your billing cycle.
  • On January 28, you exceed 4 blocks of usage and are now in your 5th block.
  • On January 31, the end of your billing cycle, you have used 5 blocks and are billed for the additional block that was added during the cycle.
  • On February 1, the beginning of the next billing cycle, you will be billed for 5 blocks.

If the increase was a one-time event and you do not need the larger number of blocks in the future, or you wish to lower your blocks billed for the month you will need to submit a support ticket to make this change.