This tool can download the main MCU flash memory, external flash memory (on Gen 3 devices), or the DCT (configuration flash) to a file on your computer. You will rarely need to do this unless directed to do so by support.

  • This tool is experimental, and may not work properly.
  • There is limited browser support on desktop: Chrome, Opera, and Edge. It does not work with Firefox or Safari. Chrome is recommended.
  • It should work on Chromebook, Mac, Linux, and Windows 10 on supported browsers.
  • If you get an USB device not selected error on Windows, you may have a Windows device driver issue that is hard, but not impossible, to fix.
  • If you get an USB device not selected error on Linux, you may need a udev rule. Download 99-particle.rules and copy it to /etc/udev/rules.d and reboot.
  • It does not work on iOS (iPhone or iPad) as the hardware does not support USB OTG.
  • After Download complete! you can disconnect or reset the device to exit DFU mode.