Team access controls

Particle offers functionality to help you manage levels of access for your team members. This is helpful when overseeing a team of people who should have varying permissions with respect to Particle devices in your fleets.

This guide breaks down into two parts:

Team access controls was previously available to enterprise customers only but is now available to all products.


Roles represent a set of permissions that can be applied to a member of your product team.

You can view and set team-member-specific roles for each product on the Team page for the product in the Console:

A team member's role can also be set when inviting the user to your team.

The set of roles available to you are:

  • View-only: Read-only access to all information in the account, but cannot take any action.
  • Support: View access plus the ability to perform basic diagnostic and troubleshooting tasks.
  • Developer: Most create, view, update, and deletion abilities, without the ability to take major administrative actions.
  • Administrator: Full administrative access, including team management and irreversible destructive actions.


View-only is the most strict of the three product team member roles. It is designed specifically for people on your team that you'd only like to see information about your device fleet — but don't need to make updates.

Someone with the View-only role can:

  • List and inspect information about devices in the product
  • Observe a stream of events from devices in the product
  • View product configuration and settings

For team members who receive the View-only role, the actions they are not allowed to take will be disabled in the Console interface:

Disabled Access Controls


The Support role is best for the members of your team who specialize in providing customer service and "front line" support to deployed Particle devices in the field. The permissions associated with this role give these members of your team tools to interact with single devices, but limit access to fleet-wide management tools.

Someone with the Support role can:

  • Do everything a Read-only teammate can do +
  • Ping, call functions on, and read variables from individual devices
  • Use Diagnostics tools, like Device Vitals
  • Manage the lifecycle state and data limit of SIM cards


Developer is a role that is meant for the engineers on your team that are actively building and managing IoT projects with Particle. With this role, a person is granted both read & write access to Console and APIs, without the ability to take administrative actions. This includes team management and irreversible destructive actions.

Someone with the Developer role can:

  • Do everything a Support teammate can do +
  • Take fleet management actions — like adding a devices to groups or provision new devices into a Product
  • Create and manage OAuth clients on behalf of products
  • Create and manage Integrations
  • Upload and release product firmware to the fleet
  • Add/remove devices and SIM cards to and from the product


The Owner of the product represents the highest level of access. There is one single owner for each product. The Owner role is automatically given to the creator of the product.

Someone with the Administrator role can:

  • Do everything a Developer teammate can do +
  • Manage the product team and teammates' roles
  • Edit product configuration and settings

There is also a special type of Administrator, reserved for the person acting as the account owner. This will appear as Administrator (Owner) in the Console. There will only be a single Owner assigned (multiple team members cannot have this role simultaneously).

  • Manage billing information related to the product

The Owner's role cannot be changed. The Owner also cannot be removed from the product team.

Permissions matrix

Product permissions

Action Administrator (Owner) Administrator Developer Support View-only
View Product team
Manage Product team
Create Product API users
Fleet Health
View fleet health
View device
Subscribe to device events
View Device Vitals
Refresh Device Vitals
View Fleet Health
Check device variables
Call device functions
Ping device
Add devices to Product
Edit device info
Flash firmware to devices
Remove/unclaim devices
Create device group
Edit/delete device group
Publish event
SIM cards
View SIM card
Update SIM lifecycle state
Change SIM data limit
Add new SIMs to Product
Remove SIMs from Product
View Product firmware
Upload firmware version
Release firmware
Edit firmware info
View Integrations
Create new Integration
Edit/delete Integration
OAuth clients
View OAuth clients
Create OAuth client
Edit/delete OAuth client
View Customers
Create Customers
Edit/delete Customers
View Product settings
Edit Product settings
Billing & Usage
View Billing & Usage

Organization permissions

Action Administrator (Owner) Administrator Developer Support View-only
View org team
Manage org team
Create org API users
Owned Products
Create new Product
Administrator role for all Products in org
Developer role for all Products in org
Support role for all Products in org
View-only role for all Products in org