Sound Asset OTA
Example application that demonstrates delivering sound samples to Particle devices using Asset OTA.
How It Works
At a high level, the example does the following:
- You use Asset OTA to bundle sound samples along with your application binary
- Upon receiving the samples, the Particle device will copy them to an external SD card
Playback control of the audio files is done over the Particle Console
Required Hardware
To follow along you'll need the following hardware:
- A Feather-based Particle module (Argon, Boron, Photon 2)
- Adafruit Music Maker FeatherWing (pictured is the w/Amp variant)
- A speaker (can be either 4Ω 3W or 8Ω 1W)
- A microSD card (FAT16/FAT32 formatted)
Optional: a FeatherWing Doubler simplifies wiring (but requires soldering)
Wiring Diagram
Additional References
Contributed by Manuel Orduño, Solutions Architect at Particle. Github: morduno-particle.