Sound Asset OTA

Example application that demonstrates delivering sound samples to Particle devices using Asset OTA.

Overview Image

How It Works

At a high level, the example does the following:

  • You use Asset OTA to bundle sound samples along with your application binary
  • Upon receiving the samples, the Particle device will copy them to an external SD card
  • Playback control of the audio files is done over the Particle Console

    Required Hardware

    To follow along you'll need the following hardware:

  • A Feather-based Particle module (Argon, Boron, Photon 2)
  • Adafruit Music Maker FeatherWing (pictured is the w/Amp variant)
  • A speaker (can be either 4Ω 3W or 8Ω 1W)
  • A microSD card (FAT16/FAT32 formatted)
  • Optional: a FeatherWing Doubler simplifies wiring (but requires soldering)

    Wiring Diagram

    Wiring Diagram




Additional References

Contributed by Manuel Orduño, Solutions Architect at Particle. Github: morduno-particle.