
ping() - Ethernet

Since 6.3.0: allows you to ping an IP address and returns the number of packets received as an int or a negative error code.

This is an ICMP ping, not the Particle cloud ping and does not use data operations.

int ping(IPAddress remoteIP, unsigned nTries = 1, unsigned timeoutMs = DEFAULT_PING_TIMEOUT);
int ping(String hostname, unsigned nTries = 1, unsigned timeoutMs = DEFAULT_PING_TIMEOUT);
int ping(IPAddress remoteIP, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, unsigned nTries = 1);
int ping(String hostname, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, unsigned nTries = 1);

When using a hostname, a DNS lookup is done. If the hostname is not found, a negative result code (SYSTEM_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, -150) is returned.

The DEFAULT_PING_TIMEOUT is 4000 milliseconds (4 seconds).

These methods are only avaiable in Device OS 6.3.0 and later. They are available in the WiFi, Cellular, Ethernet, and Network classes.