
The Future class is used by Particle.publish to optionally block, and to optionally obtain the success or failure result later.

particle::Future<bool> publish(const char* name);


bool result = Particle.publish("myEvent");

In example usage 1, the value is not checked, and the call will be asynchronous.

In example usage 2, the value is stored in a bool, and the call will block until completion or timeout.

// Future methods
bool isDone() const;
ResultT result() const;
operator ResultT() const;

It is possible to store the Future<bool> in a variable. This allows the operation to proceed asynchronously, then check later to see if the is operation has completed (isDone()) and what the underlying result was (result()). This is useful if you've implemented your code as finite state machine and you want to not block, transition to the next state, and wait in that state until completion. You'd then transition to another state depending on whether you succeeded or failed.

Note that you may still want to do publishes from a worker thread instead of the main loop, because the Particle.publish function can still block in some cases if there is no network connectivity. For an example, see the background-publish library. This is used by Tracker Edge and Monitor Edge firmware for location publishes.