Language - Arduino Compatibility

Arduino APIs added by firmware version

Once Arduino.h has been added to a source file, additional Arduino APIs are made available. The APIs added are determined by the targeted firmware version. In addition to defining the new APIs, the ARDUINO symbol is set to a value that describes the supported SDK version. (e.g. 10800 for 1.8.0)

The table below lists the Arduino APIs added for each firmware version and the value of the ARDUINO symbol.

API name description ARDUINO version Particle version
SPISettings 10800 0.6.2
__FastStringHelper 10800 0.6.2
Wire.setClock synonym for Wire.setSpeed 10800 0.6.2
SPI.usingInterrupt NB: this function is included to allow libraries to compile, but is implemented as a empty function. 10800 0.6.2
LED_BUILTIN defines the pin that corresponds to the built-in LED 10800 0.6.2