

The USB serial objects does not have built-in thread-safety. If you want to read or write the object from multiple threads, including from a software timer, you must lock and unlock it to prevent data from multiple thread from being interleaved or corrupted.

A call to lock lock() must be balanced with a call to unlock() and not be nested. To make sure every lock is released, it's good practice to use WITH_LOCK like this:

void loop()
  WITH_LOCK(Serial) {
    Serial.println("Hello there!");

Never use lock() or WITH_LOCK() within a SINGLE_THREADED_BLOCK() as deadlock can occur.

The UART serial objects such as Serial1 allow multiple threads to read and write at the byte level. They do not support WITH_LOCK, however, so if you need to control access at the line, transaction, block, etc. level you need to implement an external mutex.