System interrupts


Since 0.6.1:

Allows a pin to mirror the functionality of the SETUP/MODE button.

System.buttonMirror(D1, RISING);
System.buttonMirror(D1, FALLING, true);


  • pin: the pin number
  • mode: defines the condition that signifies a button press:
    • RISING to trigger when the pin goes from low to high,
    • FALLING for when the pin goes from high to low.
  • bootloader: (optional) if true, the mirror pin configuration is saved in DCT and pin mirrors the SETUP/MODE button functionality while in bootloader as well. If false, any previously stored configuration is removed from the DCT and pin only mirrors the SETUP/MODE button while running the firmware (default).

See also System.disableButtonMirror().

// Mirror SETUP/MODE button on D1 pin. Button pressed state - LOW
STARTUP(System.buttonMirror(D1, FALLING));

// Mirror SETUP/MODE button on D1 pin. Button pressed state - HIGH
// Works in both firmware and bootloader
STARTUP(System.buttonMirror(D1, RISING, true));

NOTE: Pins D0 and A5 will disable normal SETUP button operation. Pins D0 and A5 also can not be used in bootloader, the configuration will not be saved in DCT.