
Thread class - Threading

Thread constructor os_thread_fn_t - Threading

Thread(const char* name, 
  os_thread_fn_t function, 
  void* function_param=NULL,
  os_thread_prio_t priority=OS_THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 
  size_t stack_size=OS_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_DEFAULT)

// os_thread_fn_t
typedef os_thread_return_t (*os_thread_fn_t)(void* param);
typedef void os_thread_return_t;

// Thread function prototype
void myThreadFunction(void *param)
  • name a short string that can be used to identify your thread as a c-string of up to 16 ASCII characters.
  • function The function that will be run in the new thread.
  • function_param A parameter passed to the new thread. Often this is used for a class instance pointer (this).
  • priority The thread priority, typically OS_THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT. See os_thread_prio_t, above, for other values.
  • stack_size The stack size in bytes, typically OS_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_DEFAULT (3 Kbytes). See Thread stack size, above, for more information.

Thread constructor wiring_thread_fn_t - Threading

Thread(const char *name, 
  wiring_thread_fn_t function,
  os_thread_prio_t priority=OS_THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 
  size_t stack_size=OS_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_DEFAULT)

// wiring_thread_fn_t
typedef std::function<os_thread_return_t(void)> wiring_thread_fn_t;
typedef void os_thread_return_t;

// Thread function prototype
void myThreadFunction()
  • name a short string that can be used to identify your thread as a c-string of up to 16 ASCII characters.
  • function The function that will be run in the new thread.
  • priority The thread priority, typically OS_THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT. See os_thread_prio_t, above, for other values.
  • stack_size The stack size in bytes, typically OS_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_DEFAULT (3 Kbytes). See Thread stack size, above, for more information.

The function parameter is a std::function which means it can be a C++11 lambda, which makes it easy to make the thread function a class member. For example:

class MyClass7 {
    virtual ~MyClass7();

    void start(os_thread_prio_t priority=OS_THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, size_t stack_size=OS_THREAD_STACK_SIZE_DEFAULT);

    void threadFunction();

    // This class cannot be copied
    MyClass7(const MyClass7&) = delete;
    MyClass7& operator=(const MyClass7&) = delete;

    Thread *thread = nullptr;
    int counter = 0;

MyClass7::MyClass7() {

MyClass7::~MyClass7() {
    delete thread;

void MyClass7::start(os_thread_prio_t priority, size_t stack_size)  {
    thread = new Thread("MyClass7", [this]() { threadFunction(); }, priority, stack_size);

void MyClass7::threadFunction() {
    while(true) {"MyClass7::threadFunction counter=%d", ++counter);

Calling the code:

MyClass7 *myClass7 = new MyClass7();

See callback functions for more information.