

Retrieve the current time in the configured timezone as seconds since January 1, 1970 (commonly known as "Unix time" or "epoch time"). This time is affected by the timezone setting.

Note that the functions in the Time class expect times in UTC time, so the result from this should be used carefully. You should not pass Time.local() to Time.format(), for example.

Since 0.6.0

Local time is also affected by the Daylight Saving Time (DST) settings.

Returns: time32_t (Unix timestamp), local time, int32_t (signed 32-bit integer). Prior to Device OS 2.0.0, this was a standard C time_t, however starting in Device OS 2.0.0, the standard C library changed the size of time_t to 64-bit to avoid rollover to 0 in 2038. For compatibility, Device OS still uses the 32-bit version.