AirQualityWing (community library)


Name Value
Name AirQualityWing
Version 1.0.2
Installs 1352
License GNU General Public License v3.0
Author Jared Wolff (Circuit Dojo LLC)
Download .tar.gz
All Versions 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0

Library that works with the Air Quality Wing for Particle Mesh. All inclusive library developed for the Air Quality Wing for Particle Mesh. It enables you to measure TVOC, eC02, temperature, humidity, PM2.5 and PM10 particulate density. Check out the usage example for a quick start using the Air Quality Wing. Don't have one? Check out this project link to grab one!

Example Build Testing

Device OS Version:

This table is generated from an automated build. Success only indicates that the code compiled successfully.

Library Read Me

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Air Quality Wing for Particle Mesh Library!

Render (image removed)

The Air Quality Wing for Particle Mesh (Previously Particle Squared) is a circuit board that helps you monitor the air quality around you. This repository is the code for the Air Quality Wing which enables you to monitor humidity, temperature, air particulates, eC02 and TVOCs in one small package.

You can use it with an Adafruit Feather compatible board or the newest mesh enabled boards from Particle. For more information click here. If you want to use this library with other Particle boards, you'll have to modify board.h to suit your needs.

To get yours go here.


Insert a Xenon, Boron or Argon into a Air Quality Wing. Create a new project and import the library. (Search for AirQualityWing)

Here's a base example. (Also available under AirQualityWing/AirQualityWing.ino)

* Project Air Quality Wing Library Example
* Description: Basic example using the Air Quality Wing for Particle Mesh
* Author: Jared Wolff (Circuit Dojo LLC)
* Date: 10/27/2019
* License: GNU GPLv3

#include "AirQualityWing.h"
#include "board.h"

// Logger
SerialLogHandler logHandler(115200, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, {
{ "app", LOG_LEVEL_TRACE }, // enable all app messages

// Forward declaration of event handler
void AirQualityWingEvent();

// AirQualityWing object
AirQualityWing AirQual = AirQualityWing();

// Handler is called in main loop.
// Ok to run Particle.Publish
void AirQualityWingEvent() {


// Publish event
Particle.publish("blob", AirQual.toString(), PRIVATE, WITH_ACK);


// Cloud function for setting interval
int set_interval( String period ) {

// Set the interval with the air quality code

return -1;


// setup() runs once, when the device is first turned on.
void setup() {

// Turn off the LED
// RGB.control(true);
// RGB.brightness(0);

// Set up PC based UART (for debugging)

// Set up I2C

// Default settings
AirQualityWingSettings_t defaultSettings =
{ 20000, //Measurement Interval
true,                 //Has HPMA115
true,                 //Has CCS811
true,                 //Has Si7021
CCS811_ADDRESS,       //CCS811 address
CCS811_INT_PIN,       //CCS811 intpin
CCS811_RST_PIN,       //CCS811 rst pin
CCS811_WAKE_PIN,      //CCS811 wake pin
HPMA1150_EN_PIN       //HPMA int pin

// Setup & Begin Air Quality
AirQual.setup(AirQualityWingEvent, defaultSettings);

// Set up cloud variable
Particle.function("set_interval", set_interval);

// Startup message
Serial.println("Air Quality Wing for Particle Mesh");


// loop() runs over and over again, as quickly as it can execute.
void loop() {

uint32_t err_code = AirQual.process();
if( err_code != success ) {

switch(err_code) {
case si7021_error:
Particle.publish("err", "si7021" , PRIVATE, NO_ACK);
Log.error("Error si7021");
case ccs811_error:
Particle.publish("err", "ccs811" , PRIVATE, NO_ACK);
Log.error("Error ccs811");
case hpma115_error:
Particle.publish("err", "hpma115" , PRIVATE, NO_ACK);
Log.error("Error hpma115");



Other Examples

There's also an example for the Canary. Compile it like so:

particle compile xenon examples/CanaryExample/ src/

Then you can flash the file via the Particle cloud

particle flash <device name> xenon_firmware_12345.bin


TODO: Describe AirQualityWing Library


Here's how you can make changes to this library and eventually contribute those changes back.

To get started, clone the library from GitHub to your local machine.

Change the name of the library in to something different. You can add your name at then end.

Modify the sources in and with the new behavior.

To compile an example, use particle compile xenon examples/AirQualityWingExample/ src/ command in Particle CLI or use our Desktop IDE.

After your changes are done you can upload them with particle library upload or Upload command in the IDE. This will create a private (only visible by you) library that you can use in other projects. Do particle library add AirQualityWing_myname to add the library to a project on your machine or add the AirQualityWing_myname library to a project on the Web IDE or Desktop IDE.

At this point, you can create a GitHub pull request with your changes to the original library.

If you wish to make your library public, use particle library publish or Publish command.


Copyright 2019 Jared Wolff (Circuit Dojo LLC)

Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license

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