ComparatorGen3_RK (community library)


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Name ComparatorGen3_RK
Version 0.0.1
License MIT
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Support for the nRF52 hardware comparator for Particle user firmware

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Support for the nRF52 hardware comparator for Particle user firmware

The nRF52840 MCU in Particle Gen 3 devices (Argon, Boron, B Series SoM, Tracker SoM, Tracker One) has a single analog comparator in the MCU that can be used on any of the available analog input pins. It can detect crossings, rising, falling, or both, optionally with hysteresis.

Note: The nRF52840 supports both COMP (comparator) and LPCOMP (low-power comparator), but only one can be used at a time.

Differential analog input  
Single-Ended analog input
External reference voltage AIN0 or AIN1 AIN0 - AIN7
Internal reference voltage 1.2V, 1.8V, or 2.4V 15 steps of VDD (0.22V each)

The peripherals are similar but the features of the LPCOMP are what I needed and this library only supports LPCOMP. It wouldn't be hard to modify it to use COMP, but it does not currently work with COMP.

This library uses the nRF52 SDK to access the hardware. The SDK is available to user applications with no additional libraries, however there are some steps that need to be done when using interrupts from user firmware. The following Nordic resources will be helpful:


See the examples for more information.

  • 1-simple - toggles the blue D7 LED on change
  • 2-rising - counts the number of rising crossings and prints the results every second

Even though the comparator is fast, interrupt latency makes it impossible to measure really high frequency signals. It sorts of works up to around 100,000 interrupts per second, but it loses some interrupts at the upper end of that, so it won't be particularly reliable at that rate.

If you use an external reference voltage, it must be on A0. It can't be on other pins. If using the internal reference, the possible values are:

  • REF_0V4 (approximately 0.4V)
  • REF_0V8
  • REF_1V2
  • REF_1V7
  • REF_2V1
  • REF_2V5
  • REF_2V9 (approximately 2.9V)
  • PIN_A0

See the ComparatorGen3_RK.h file. There are numerous comments that explain the functions and values.

Version History

0.0.1 (2021-10-20)
  • Initial version

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