FramI2C (community library)


Name Value
Name FramI2C
Version 0.1.3
License MIT
Author Robert Mawrey
Maintainer Robert Mawrey
Download .tar.gz
All Versions 0.1.3, 0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0, 0.0.11, 0.0.10

Sentient Things FRAM I2C library Based on work by Ray Benitez

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Sentient Things FRAM I2C library. Based on the SPI FRAM work by Ray Benitez.

Works with the following FRAM:

MB85RC64 = 0,                  // 8KB
MB85RC128A,            // 16KB older model
MB85RC128B,            // 16KB newer model
MB85RC256A,            // 32KB older model
MB85RC256B,            // 32KB newer model
MB85RC256V,            // 32KB
MB85RC512T,            // 64KB

The library works with structs up to 127 bytes in length.

// Create FRAM instances
#define PART_NUMBER MB85RC256V
FramI2C myFram(PART_NUMBER); // create an instance
framResult myResult = framUnknownError; // Error message

Basic functionality includes reading and writing elements:

framResult read(unsigned long startAddress, unsigned int numberOfBytes, byte buffer); framResult write(unsigned long startAddress, unsigned int numberOfBytes, byte buffer);

Creating an array:

FramI2CArray framConfig(myFram, 10, sizeof(Settings_t), myResult);

and reading and writing to the array:

void readElement(unsigned long index, byte buffer, framResult &result); void writeElement(unsigned long index, byte buffer, framResult &result);

A Ring buffer class is also included - i.e.

Ring_FramArray dataRing(myFram, 300, sizeof(sensorReadings), myResult);

with the ability to pop push peek etc:

bool popFirstElement(byte buffer); bool popLastElement(byte buffer); void pushElement(byte buffer); bool peekFirstElement(byte buffer); bool peekLastElement(byte *buffer); void clearArray(); bool isEmpty(); bool isFull();

As of Version 0.1.0, the ring array keeps track of its pointers in FRAM. Run initialize() to load the pointers before using the ring.

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