LiquidCrystal (community library)
Name | Value |
Name | LiquidCrystal |
Version | 0.0.3 |
Installs | |
License | GNU GPLv3 |
Author | Adafruit, Technobly |
URL | |
Repository | |
Download | .tar.gz |
LiquidCrystal on Spark Core
Example Build Testing
Device OS Version:
This table is generated from an automated build. Success only indicates that the code compiled successfully.
Library Read Me
This content is provided by the library maintainer and has not been validated or approved.
An Implementation of Arduino's LiquidCrystal library for the Spark Core
Universally Supports:
- Standard Hitachi HD44780 based LCDs in 4-bit mode
- Adafruit's 16x2 OLED Display (Winstar)
- Sparkfun's 16x2 OLED Display (ADH Technology Co. Ltd.)
Grab the RAW version of each file and place into your web IDE as follows:
image (image removed)
If you are building locally, place the files here:
..\core-firmware\src\application.cpp (renamed from Spark-HelloSparky.cpp)
..\core-firmware\src\ (optional, if you have your own make file going, just add the LiquidCrystal.cpp to it)
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