psyslog (community library)


Name Value
Name psyslog
Version 0.1.0
Installs 1260
License MIT
Author Hans Nielsen
Download .tar.gz

A UDP syslog library for sending log data to remote servers

Example Build Testing

Device OS Version:

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Library Read Me

This content is provided by the library maintainer and has not been validated or approved.



This library provides a UDP syslog client for logging data from Particle apps.

It has been tested on the Photon in combination with rsyslog. Other devices and syslog daemons may work! Feel free to contact me via email ( if you have issues with untested devices.


Add the following to the top of your application:

#include "psyslog/psyslog.h"

Then, set up the remote log endpoint:

syslog_initialize("", 514);

To actually log data, use the following macros:

LOGE("This is an error message!");
LOGI("Informational messages are less important);

By default, the library will log using the device's MAC address as its hostname. If you want to use the Particle device ID, add #define SYSLOG_USE_DEVICEID before the include.

syslog servers

An example rsyslog configuration file is included. It will automatically separate logs by hostname and store them in /var/log/particle/.

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