rgb-controls (community library)


Name Value
Name rgb-controls
Version 0.0.1
License MIT
Author Michael Gillett mgillett54@gmail.com
URL https://github.com/michael-gillett/rgb-controls-particle
Repository https://github.com/michael-gillett/rgb-controls-particle.git
Download .tar.gz

Particle.io library with methods for controlling RGB LEDs

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RGB Controls for Particle.io

Particle.io library for controlling RGB LEDs

Quick Start

  1. Add the library to your project

  2. Connect your RGB led to pins D0, D1, and D2 (Assuming Photon board)

  3. Copy the code below into a new project and flash it to your board `c++ #include "rgb-controls/rgb-controls.h" using namespace RGBControls;

// RGB led on PWN pins Led led(D0, D1, D2); // red_pin = D0, green_pin = D1, blue_pin = D2

Color red(255, 0, 0); Color blue(0, 0, 255);

void setup() { }

void loop() { // Fade the led light between red and blue every 5 seconds led.fade(red, blue, 5000); }

4. Your RGB led will now fade from red to blue!

#### Led Methods

###### constructor(int rPin, int gPin, int bPin [, bool isCathode])
Initalize an `Led` with 3 PWM pins

Parameter | Description | Example
--- | --- | ---
rPin | The pin number attached to the red leg of the led | `D0`
gPin | The pin number attached to the green leg of the led | `D1`
bPin | The pin number attached to the blue leg of the led | `D2`
isCathode | Boolean whether the rgb led is common cathode `optional` | `true` (default)

// Create a common cathode led
Led led(D0, D1, D2);

// Create a common anode led
Led led(D0, D1, D2, false);
setColor(Color color)

Set the led to color

// Make the led light magenta
led.setColor(Color(255, 0, 255))
fade(Color c1, Color c2, int duration)

Fade from c1 to c2 in duration milliseconds. Must be called in a void loop().

Parameter Description Example
c1 The color to fade from Color(255, 0, 0)
c2 The color to fade to Color(0, 0, 255
duration The duration of the fade in ms 3000
Color red(255, 0, 0);
Color blue(0, 0, 255);

// Fade the led back and forth between red to blue every 3 seconds
void loop() {
led.fade(red, blue, 3000);
fade(Color* colors, int length, int duration)

Fade between each color in in duration milliseconds. Must be called in a void loop().

Parameter Description Example
colors An array of colors See below
length The length of the colors array 3
duration The duration of the fade in ms 3000
Color red(255, 0, 0);
Color green(0, 255, 0);
Color blue(0, 0, 255);

Color colors[3] = { red, green, blue };

// Fade the led back and forth between colors in the array every 3 seconds
void loop() {
led.fade(colors, 3, 3000);
fadeOnce(Color c1, Color c2, int duration)

Fade from c1 to c2 in duration milliseconds

Parameter Description Example
c1 The color to fade from Color(255, 0, 0)
c2 The color to fade to Color(0, 0, 255
duration The duration of the fade in ms 3000
Color red(255, 0, 0);
Color blue(0, 0, 255);

// Fade the led from red to blue in 3 seconds
led.fadeOnce(red, blue, 3000);
flash(Color color [, int onTime, int offTime])

Flash color on for onTime ms and off for offTime ms

Parameter Description Example
color The color to flash Color(255, 0, 0)
onTime The time in ms that the light is on optional 200 (default)
offTime The time in ms that the light is off optional 200 (default)
// Flash red using the default on and off times
led.flash(Color(255, 0, 0));

// Flash blue on for 1 second and off for 100 ms
led.flash(Color(0, 255, 0), 1000, 100);
flash(Color* colors, int length [, int onTime, int offTime])

Flash an array of colors on for onTime ms and off for offTime ms

Parameter Description Example
colors The array of color to pulse See below
length The length of the color array 3
onTime The time in ms that the light is on optional 200 (default)
offTime The time in ms that the light is off optional 200 (default)
Color red(255, 0, 0);
Color green(0, 255, 0);
Color blue(0, 0, 255);

Color colors[3] = {red, green, blue};

// Flash the colors one after another using default on and off times
led.flash(colors, 3);

// Flash the colors one after another on for 500 ms and off for 1000 ms
led.flash(colors, 3, 500, 1000);

Shut off the led

// Turn off the led

Color Methods

constructor(int red, int green, int blue)

Initialize a Color with 3 RGB color values

Parameter Description Example
red The RGB red value 0 to 255 0
green The RGB green value 0 to 255 255
blue The RGB blue value 0 to 255 120
Color red(255, 0, 0);
Color orange(255, 165, 0);
Color white(255, 255, 255);
withBrightness(int brightness)

Returns a new color with desired brightness percentage

Parameter Description Example
brightness The desired brightness percentage of the color 20
Color orange(255, 165, 0);

orange.withBrightness(20); // returns Color(51, 33, 0)
lerp(Color to, float t)

Linearly interpolates between two colors

Parameter Description Example
to The Color to lerp to Color(0, 0, 255)
t The fraction clamped to range [0...1] 0.5
Color red(200, 0, 0);
Color blue(0, 0, 200);

red.lerp(blue, 0.5); // returns Color(100, 0, 100)

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