uFire_SHT20 (community library)


Name Value
Name uFire_SHT20
Version 1.0.0
Author uFire
Maintainer contact@ufire.co
URL https://ufire.co
Download .tar.gz

Measure atmospheric temperature and humdity. Take temperature measurements from -40 to 125 C (-40 to 257 F) and humidity measurements from -40 to 125 C (-40 to 257 F) using the Sensiron SHT20 sensor.

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Library Read Me

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SHT20 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Measure temperature and humidity with the Sensiron SHT20 sensor.

  • Temperature range: -40 to 125 C(-40 to 257 F)
  • Humidity range: 0 to 100 % RH
  • Temperature accuracy: ± 0.5% C
  • Humidity accuracy: ± 5% RH
  • Interface: I2C
  • Voltage range: 2.1 - 3.6 V
What it is

An SHT20 sensor in a plastic enclosure with a 1m length of cable.

The device uses the Qwiic Connect System for wiring, it's an easy-to-use, polarized, push-to-fit connector. No more mistaken connections or soldering header pins.

Using it

Read the documentation on the [specifications] of the device.

The library to use it is in the Arduino and Particle.io IDE. A python and rust implementation for Raspberry Pi is available.

#include "uFire_SHT20.h"
uFire_SHT20 sht20;

float temp_c = sht20.temperature();
float rh = sht20.humidity();
Buy it

Visit ufire.co and buy a board and probe.

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