XivelyLib (community library)


Name Value
Name XivelyLib
Version 0.0.2
Installs 328
License GPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
Author Davide Gironi davide.gironi@gmail.com
URL https://github.com/davidegironi/spark-xivelylib
Repository https://github.com/davidegironi/spark-xivelylib.git
Download .tar.gz

A Spark.io to xively.com data logger library.

Example Build Testing

Device OS Version:

This table is generated from an automated build. Success only indicates that the code compiled successfully.

Library Read Me

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A [Spark.io] (https://www.spark.io/) library to log data to [xively.com] (https://xively.com/).

Xively (formerly Cosm and before that Pachube) is an on-line database service allowing developers to connect sensor-derived data (e.g. energy and environment data from objects, devices & buildings) to the Web and to build their own applications based on that data. This library provide methods to log datapoints of any type to a Xively feed through the use of a Spark Core.

Copyright (c) Davide Gironi, 2014
[http://davidegironi.it] (http://davidegironi.it/)


Released under GPLv3.
Please refer to LICENSE file for licensing information.

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