Gen 2 cellular deprecation
Due to the global silicon chip shortage causing the inability to obtain certain key components there will be some changes in the available product SKUs.
The STM32F2xx microcontroller (MCU) has become unavailable for purchase in the necessary quantities, thus certain SKUs will be deprecated.
These devices will remain available for now, but will be deprecated when the MCU is no longer available.
Family | SKU |
Electron | ELC314 |
E-Series | E314 |
However the ELC314 and E314 should not be used in the United States, Canada, or Mexico due to the impending 2G/3G shutdown.
Gen 2 deprecated products
These SKUs are no longer available, however there is a pin-compatible replacement that is still available for a limited time:
Family | SKU | Replacement |
Electron | E350, E260, E270 (used in locations other than US, CA, MX) | ELC314 |
E-Series | E402, E404 | E404X |
E-Series | E310, E313 (used in locations other than US, CA, MX) | E314 |
There is no pin-compatible replacement for these models:
Family | SKU |
Electron | E350, E260 (when used in US, CA, MX) |
Electron | ELC402, ELC404 |