Android SDK

The Android SDK can only be used to set up Gen 2 devices (P1 and Photon). It will be deprecated in the future.

The Particle Android SDK consists of two parts:

  1. the Cloud SDK: a wrapper for our REST API which enables your mobile app to interact with Particle-powered hardware through the Particle Device Cloud
  2. the Device Setup library: a library which provides an easy setup wizard for your app's users to set up their Photon/P1-powered devices


Both the Cloud SDK and Device Setup libraries have the following requirements:

  • a minSdkVersion of 21 (Android 5.0) or higher
  • compileOptions set to Java 8
  • The AndroidX versions of the Jetpack support libraries

Support and contributions

  • If you need help, visit the Mobile category in our community forums for discussion, troubleshooting, and feedback around the Android Cloud SDK and Device Setup library.
  • If you have found a bug, and can provide steps to reliably reproduce it, open an issue in the appropriate repo on GitHub, and apply the bug label.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue on GitHub, and apply the enhancement label.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request! Also be sure to check out the contribution guidelines.

Android Cloud SDK


The Particle Android Cloud SDK enables Android apps to interact with Particle-powered connected products via the Particle Cloud. As an easy-to-use wrapper for the Particle REST API, the Cloud SDK can:

  • Get a list of Particle devices claimed by a user account
  • Read variables from devices
  • Invoke functions on devices
  • Publish events from your mobile app and subscribe to events coming from devices
  • Get data usage information for cellular devices
  • Claim/unclaim devices for a user account
  • Manage & inject user sessions for the Particle Cloud (access tokens, encrypted session management)

The complete SDK sources are available to browse on GitHub.

For usage info, check out the examples below, or play with the sdk_example_app module included in the git repository.


Just add implementation 'io.particle:cloudsdk:1.0.1' to your app's build.gradle dependencies, and then follow these instructions if you'll be distributing an app based on the SDK.

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.particle:cloudsdk:1.0.1'

Then, from your Application class, add ParticleCloudSDK.init() in onCreate():

public class MyApp extends Application {


    public void onCreate() {




Cloud SDK usage mostly revolves around two main classes:

  1. ParticleCloud, which is the interface for all cloud operations not specific to a claimed device, such as user authentication, retrieving a user's device list, claiming devices, and more
  2. ParticleDevice, which represents a claimed device. Each instance enables operations specific to that device, e.g.: invoking functions, reading variables, and accessing basic info like the device's name and version info.

Blocking APIs ftw

preemptive tl;dr: many of the SDK's methods make blocking network calls, meaning they can't be called from the app's main thread. The strongly recommended way of handling this requirement is to write your app in Kotlin and use coroutines to make call these SDK methods off the main thread. If you are unable to use Kotlin, the first example in the API usage section shows another way to handle this requirement.

All the SDK's methods have been very intentionally implemented as synchronous, blocking calls, including calls which use the internet, meaning they cannot be called directly on the main thread. This is because there are many easy ways to make a blocking API non-blocking (Kotlin coroutines, RxJava, Executors, AsyncTasks, etc), but going the other way around is awkward and bug-prone. The Cloud SDK's use of blocking calls makes it easy to pair it with the asynchronous programming approach of your choice.

As mentioned above, if Kotlin coroutines are not an option for you, the SDK includes an alternative in the form of the Async and ApiWork convenience classes. These form a simple, purpose-built wrapper around Android's AsyncTask, with the boilerplate kept to a minimum. There's an example of using this class further below.

Finally, to make it clear which calls can be made from the UI thread, and which must be called from a background thread, the SDK APIs have been carefully annotated with @WorkerThread and @MainThread where applicable. Besides offering a hint to developers, this annotation also causes Android Studio to warn you if you try to make a blocking network call in the SDK from the main thread.

Common tasks

Here are some example usages for common API tasks:

SDK calls from the UI thread

Most of the methods on the ParticleCloud and ParticleDevice classes make blocking network calls. Since Android doesn't allow making network calls on the main/UI thread, you'll need to make these calls from a background/worker thread. As mentioned previously, Kotlin's coroutines are the best way to handle this, but the Cloud SDK provides the Async class if Kotlin is not an option.

Here's an example of reading a variable from a device using the ParticleDevice API with the Async class:

// "someDevice" is a ParticleDevice instance
Async.executeAsync(someDevice, new Async.ApiWork<ParticleDevice, Integer>() {

    public Integer callApi(ParticleDevice particleDevice)
            throws ParticleCloudException, IOException {
        return particleDevice.getVariable("myVariable");

    public void onSuccess(Integer value) {
        Toaster.s(MyActivity.this, "Room temp is " + value + " degrees.");

    public void onFailure(ParticleCloudException e) {
        Log.e("some tag", "Something went wrong making an SDK call: ", e);
        Toaster.l(MyActivity.this, "Uh oh, something went wrong.");

Cloud login

Log in to the Particle Device Cloud:

ParticleCloudSDK.getCloud().logIn("", "myl33tp4ssw0rd");
Toaster.s(someActivity, "Logged in!");
Injecting session access token (two-legged authentication)

If you use your own backend to authenticate users in your app, you can now easily inject the access token your backend gets from the Particle cloud using one of the new setAccessToken() methods on ParticleCloud. Additionally, the SDK will now automatically renew an expired session if a refresh token exists.


List devices

List the devices that belong to the currently logged-in user, and find a specific device by name:

List<ParticleDevice> devices = ParticleCloudSDK.getCloud().getDevices();
for (ParticleDevice device : devices) {
    if (device.getName().equals("myDevice")) {

Get device instance

Get a device instance by its ID:

ParticleDevice myDevice = ParticleCloudSDK.getCloud().getDevice("53fa73265066544b16208184");

Read device information

Accessing information about a device.

// 'myDevice' here is a ParticleDevice instance
String nameString = myDevice.getName();
int productIdInt = myDevice.getProductID();
int platformIdInt = myDevice.getPlatformID();
String ipAddressString = myDevice.getIpAddress();
String lastNameString = myDevice.getLastAppName();
String statusString = myDevice.getStatus();
Date lastHeardDate = myDevice.getLastHeard();
boolean cellularBoolean = myDevice.isCellular();
String imeiString = myDevice.getImei();
String currentBuildString = myDevice.getCurrentBuild();
String defaultBuildString = myDevice.getDefaultBuild();

Read variables

Accessing variables of all the standard Particle Device Cloud types (integers, strings, doubles, and booleans):

// 'myDevice' here is a ParticleDevice instance
int anInteger = myDevice.getIntVariable("someIntValue");
String aString = myDevice.getStringVariable("someOtherStringValue");
double aDouble = myDevice.getDoubleVariable("someDoubleValue");
boolean aBoolean = myDevice.getBooleanVariable("someBooleanValue");

Call a function

Invoke a function on the device with a list of parameters. The return value from callFunction() is result code returned from the function on the device.

// Call function "digitalwrite" with params ("D7", "1"), which will tell digitalWrite to set the value of D7 to "1"
int resultCode = someDevice.callFunction("digitalwrite", list("D7", "1"));
Toaster.s(someActivity, "Result of calling digitalwrite: " + resultCode);

List variables and functions

ParticleDevice.getFunctions() returns a list of function names. ParticleDevice.getVariables() returns a map of variable names to types.

for (String funcName : someDevice.getFunctions()) {
    Log.i("some tag", "Device has function: " + funcName);

Map<String, VariableType> variables = someDevice.getVariables();
for (String name : variables.keySet()) {
    Log.i("some tag", String.format("variable '%s' type is '%s'", name, variables.get(name)));

Rename a device

Set a new name for a claimed device:


Log out

Log out the user, clearing their session and access token:


Events sub-system

Using the SDK, you open a stream for receiving Server-Sent Events (SSEs) from devices. Calling one of the subscribe...() methods opens a connection to the Particle Device Cloud. Unlike regular HTTP calls which end as soon as the request is handled, this connection will stay open until explicitly closed. Then, when your Particle device publishes an event, your event handler will receive the event

Events can be filtered by name using the optional eventNamePrefix param. When this prefix is specified, your event handler will only receive events with names that begin with the specified prefix. For example, specifying an event name filter of 'temp' will return events with names 'temp', 'tempo', and 'temperature'.

Subscribe to events

Subscribe to all events published by all the devices the user owns:

long subscriptionId;  // save this for later, for unsubscribing
subscriptionId = ParticleCloudSDK.getCloud().subscribeToMyDevicesEvents(
    null,  // the first argument, "eventNamePrefix", is optional
    new ParticleEventHandler() {
        public void onEvent(String eventName, ParticleEvent event) {
            Log.i("some tag", "Received event with payload: " + event.dataPayload);

        public void onEventError(Exception e) {
            Log.e("some tag", "Event error: ", e);

Subscribe to events from one specific device. This requires that the device be claimed to the same account that the subscription request is made from.

long subscriptionId;  // save this for later, for unsubscribing
ParticleCloud cloud = ParticleCloudSDK.getCloud();
subscriptionId = cloud.subscribeToDeviceEvents(null, "53ff6c065075535119511687", someHandler);

Another option for subscribing to events from a particular device is calling same method via the ParticleDevice instance. Using this method guarantees that private events will be received, since the API only provides access to the user's claimed devices.

long subscriptionId;  // save this for later, for unsubscribing
subscriptionId = someDevice.subscribeToEvents(null, someHandler);

Unsubscribing from events

When subscribing to events, keep a reference to the subscription ID returned, and pass this as the parameter to the unsubscribe method:

// "subscriptionId" was provided earlier from the subscribe call

or via the ParticleDevice instance, if applicable:

// "subscriptionId" was provided earlier from the subscribe call

Publishing an event

You can also publish an event from your app to the Particle Device Cloud:

    "event_from_app",                 // the event name
    "some_event_payload",             // the event payload data
    ParticleEventVisibility.PRIVATE   // event visibility, either PRIVATE (the default), or PUBLIC
    // the TTL (time to live), in seconds for this event.  After this time, the event is 
    // considered stale/outdated

API Reference

For a complete interface reference, check out the JavaDoc and source code in the cloudsdk module in the Git repo.

If you're working in Android Studio, you can get the JavaDoc for each method or class by putting the cursor over it and hitting F1. (This shortcut is for Mac OS; shortcuts on other platforms may vary.)

OAuth client configuration

If you're distributing your own app, you are required to provide the cloud SDK with an OAuth client ID and secret. These are used to identify users coming from your specific app to the Particle Device Cloud. You'll need to create a new pair of these credentials for each app that you plan to release. i.e. If you plan to release two different apps, then you'll need two sets of credentials, one for each app.

These credentials will persist forever and do not need to be refreshed.

Supplying credentials to the SDK

The first way is to provide them as string resources, using the names oauth_client_id and oauth_client_secret, respectively, as shown here and in the example app:

<string name="oauth_client_id">(client ID string goes here)</string>
<string name="oauth_client_secret">(client secret 40-char hex string goes here)</string>

If you would prefer not to ship these OAuth strings as Android string resources, an alternative approach is provided via a separate SDK init method, ParticleCloudSDK.initWithOauthCredentialsProvider(). For this option, you'll need to create a custom OauthBasicAuthCredentialsProvider implementation, and pass it to the init method, as seen here:

    new OauthBasicAuthCredentialsProvider() {

        public String getClientId() {
            return (the client ID, accessed however you like)

        public String getClientSecret() {
            return (the client secret, accessed however you like)


HTTP logging can be configured by setting the http_log_level string resource. Valid values follow the LogLevel enum from Retrofit (1.x): NONE, BASIC, HEADERS, HEADERS_AND_ARGS, or FULL. The default for release builds is NONE.

For example, to set logging to BASIC, you would add the following to your strings.xml:

<string name="http_log_level">BASIC</string>

Android device setup library


The Particle Device Setup library provides everything you need to offer your users a simple initial setup process for Photon/P1-powered devices. This includes all the necessary device communication code, an easily customizable UI, and a simple developer API.

The setup UI can be customized by a modifying Android XML resource files. Available customizations include: look & feel, colors, fonts, custom brand logos and more. Customization isn't required for a nice looking setup process, though: good defaults are used throughout, with styling rooted in Google's Material Design.

With the Device Setup library, you only need to make a single call from your app, and the Particle setup process UI launches to guide the user through the device setup process. When that process finishes, the user is returned to the Activity where they were left off, and a broadcast intent is sent out with the ID of the device she just set up and claimed.

Configuration for the Photon uses what we call a “soft AP” mode: during setup, the Photon advertises itself as a Wi-Fi access point ("AP"). The mobile app configures the Android device to connect to this soft AP network, and using this connection, it can provide the Particle device with the credentials it needs for the Wi-Fi network you want the to Photon to use.


Just add implementation 'io.particle:devicesetup:0.7.3' to your app's build.gradle dependencies, and then follow these instructions if you'll be distributing an app based on the SDK.

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.particle:devicesetup:0.7.3'`

Basic usage

The Device Setup library has two main requirements:

  • You must call ParticleDeviceSetupLibrary.init(...) in your Application.onCreate() or in the onCreate() of your first Activity, e.g.:
ParticleDeviceSetupLibrary.init(this.getApplicationContext(), MyMainActivity.class);

The class passed in as the second argument to init() is used to return you to a specified activity of your app once setup has completed.

Configure device Wi-Fi credentials without claiming it

If your app requires the ability to let users configure device Wi-Fi credentials without changing its ownership you can also do that via initWithSetupOnly. Invoking setup will go thru the setup steps required for configuring device Wi-Fi credentials but not for claiming it.


Then, to invoke the Device Setup wizard in your app, just call:



You can get the device ID of the successfully set-up device after setup completes by listening for the intent broadcast defined by ParticleDeviceSetupLibrary.DeviceSetupCompleteContract.

A convenience wrapper for this broadcast has been created as well, ParticleDeviceSetupLibrary.DeviceSetupCompleteReceiver. Just override the required methods, then call the .register() before starting the device setup wizard, and call .unregister() once it's done.

DeviceSetupCompleteReceiver receiver = new DeviceSetupCompleteReceiver() {

    public void onSetupSuccess(String configuredDeviceId) {
        Toaster.s(someContext, "Hooray, you set up device " + configuredDeviceId);

    public void onSetupFailure() {
        Toaster.s(someContext, "Sorry, device setup failed.  (sad trombone)");

And then when setup is complete...


(Short version: listen for the ACTION_DEVICE_SETUP_COMPLETE intent broadcast; the device ID will be available as a String with key EXTRA_CONFIGURED_DEVICE_ID)


The look and feel of the setup UI can be customized by overriding values from the customization.xml file under devicesetup -> src -> main -> res -> values.

Product/brand info:

<string name="brand_name">Particle</string>
<string name="app_name">@string/brand_name</string>
<string name="device_name">Photon</string>
<drawable name="device_image">@drawable/photon_vector</drawable>
<drawable name="device_image_small">@drawable/photon_vector_small</drawable>
<drawable name="brand_image_horizontal">@drawable/particle_horizontal_blue</drawable>
<drawable name="brand_image_vertical">@drawable/particle_vertical_blue</drawable>
<drawable name="screen_background">@drawable/trianglifybackground</drawable>
<color name="brand_image_background_color">#641A1A1A</color>

Technical data:

<string name="mode_button_name">Mode button</string>
<string name="listen_mode_led_color_name">blue</string>
<string name="network_name_prefix">@string/device_name</string>

<string name="terms_of_service_uri"></string>
<string name="privacy_policy_uri"></string>
<string name="forgot_password_uri"></string>
<string name="troubleshooting_uri"></string>
<bool name="show_sign_up_page_fine_print">true</bool>

Look & feel:

<color name="page_background_color">#F2F2F2</color>
<color name="form_field_background_color">@android:color/white</color>
<color name="normal_text_color">@android:color/white</color>
<color name="link_text_color">@android:color/white</color>
<color name="link_text_bg">#19AAAAAA</color>
<color name="error_text_color">#FE4747</color>
<color name="element_background_color">#00BAEC</color>
<color name="element_background_color_dark">#0083A6</color>
<color name="element_text_color">@android:color/white</color>
<color name="element_text_disabled_color">#E0E0E0</color>

Product creators

If you're developing an app for your product / you're a product creator you should create a boolean resource as follows: <bool name="productMode">true</bool>. This will enable product mode which uses different API endpoints to allow adding/setting up devices assigned to your product.

If you set productMode to true be sure to also provide the product_id and product_name - please read here for how to find your productId number.

Lastly, make sure you inject the ParticleCloud class with scoped OAuth credentials for creating customers, so app users could create an account. Read here on how to do this.

<!-- enable product mode -->
<bool name="organization">true</bool>
<!-- product display name -->
<string name="product_name">Your Product Name Here!</string>
<!-- Product ID from Particle console -->
<integer name="product_id">12345</integer>


As with most Android libraries and AOSP itself, the Particle Android Cloud SDK and Device Setup library are available under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for the complete text of the license.