Product Device Flash USB (Beta)
This tool flashes Device OS and product firmware to a device over USB. You must be a product or organization team member and the device must already have been added to the product.
Logged into Particle as
Log in to your Particle account
Log in manually (not using single sign-on)
Log in using: | |
Username (Email): | |
Password: | |
Maximum time to stay logged in: | |
Access token: | |
MFA OTP Token: | |
Login failed. Try again.
You should use instead of this tool in most situations.
Connect your Particle device to your computer with a USB cable, click the Select Device button, select your device, and click Connect.
Checking the account you have logged in with...
Your developer sandbox account has reached free plan account limits and device operation will be affected.
Your account access token appears to be invalid; it has probably expired or was invalidated when logging out previously.
Checking the device you have connected. This normally takes a second, but it could take up to 30 seconds.
This tool cannot set up Tracker devices, including the Tracker One, Tracker SoM, and Monitor One. You should use instead.
This tool cannot set up this type of device. You should use the Particle CLI or Particle mobile apps for iOS and Android.
Just a little longer while we check the SIM card in your device...
This tool will flash Device OS and doctor firmware to your device, replacing the existing Device OS and user firmware.
This tool will flash Device OS and cloud debug firmware to your device, replacing the existing Device OS and user firmware.
This tool will flash Device OS and setup firmware to your device, replacing the existing Device OS and user firmware.
This tool will flash Device OS and product firmware to your device, replacing the existing Device OS and user firmware.
This tool will flash Device OS and the specified user firmware to your device, replacing the existing Device OS and user firmware.
Upon successful completion you can to program your firmware again over-the-air (OTA) or by USB.
A backup file containing your user firmware will be saved to your Downloads folder; this can be used to restore the original firmware and a similar version of Device OS if desired.
All Tracker devices must be part of a product.
Organization | |
Product |
Proceed with flashing the device and device setup?
Proceed with flashing the device?
It appears that you previously flashed doctor or setup firmware to this device. You can restore the original firmware and a similar version of Device OS if you still have the backup file available. It should be in your Downloads folder as firmware_.bin
Advanced Options
These options are seldom needed and may adversely affect connectivity if used incorrectly.
Wi-Fi Antenna
Advanced Setup Options
These options are seldom needed and may adversely affect connectivity if used incorrectly.
Organization | |
Product |
SIM Select:
Device Type | ||
Restore Type | ||
Edge Version | ||
Device OS Version | ||
Upload File | ||
User Firmware URL | ||
Setup Bit | ||
The connected device does not appear to be in a product, you are not a team member of the product it is a member of. You cannot flash product firmware at this time.
The connected device does not have a firmware version locked, or the product does not have a default firmware version. You cannot flash product firmware at this time.
Adding device to product...
This should only take a few seconds.
Checking device ownership...
This device could not be found in your account, your products, or any organization products you have access to. This is normal if you are setting up the device for the first time.
However, it can also happen if the device is really claimed to another account, or the device is part of a product you are not a team member of. This tool not recommended for use on product devices by non-developers.
Checking account status...
Getting the SIM ICCID from the device...
This usually takes a few seconds but can take a minute.
Getting the SIM ICCID from the device...
The cellular modem is not responding. It will take a little longer to reset it.
Checking SIM status...
Waiting for SIM activation to complete...
This can take anywhere from several seconds to several hours. Rarely, it can take a day or more.
You can wait here for activation to complete, or close this web page and come back later to see if activation has completed so you can proceed with setup.
Your Boron is configured to use an external 4FF nano plastic SIM card, but it does not appear that one is inserted.
Click Use Internal SIM to change the SIM configuration.
An error occurred putting your device into DFU mode (blinking yellow).
Hold down the MODE (or SETUP) button and tap the RESET button. Continue to hold down MODE while the status LED blinks magenta (red and blue at the same time) until it blinks yellow, then release.
Downloading the binaries for your device. This should only take a few seconds...
Putting device in DFU (firmware update) mode (blinking yellow). This should only take a few seconds, but can take up to 30 seconds sometimes.
Your browser requires authorization to reconnect to your device now that it is in DFU mode. This is a normal browser security precaution.
Connecting to the device in DFU mode...
Updating the firmware on the device...
Waiting for the device to finish updating itself and restart...
This will take several seconds, and the status LED may blink white, magenta (red and blue at the same time), blue, or green.
Flashing prebootloader-part1...
Flashing bootloader...
Waiting for the device to finish updating itself and restart...
This will take several seconds, and the status LED may blink yellow, white, magenta (red and blue at the same time), blue, or green.
Failed to reconnect to the device by USB. Click the Reconnect button to try again.
Waiting for the device to finish updating itself and restart...
If the device is still blinking yellow, tap the reset button on the device, then click Continue.
If the status LED is solid white, not blinking, tap the reset button on the device, then Reconnect
No Wi-Fi networks were found.
![]() |
Searching for Wi-Fi networks... |
Network Name | Secure | Signal |
The Argon cannot connect to a hidden SSID.
Security Type | |
Security Type | |
EAP Type | |
Username (Inner Identity) | |
Password | |
Private Key (required) | |
Client Certificate (required) | |
Outer Identity (optional) | |
CA Certificate (Optional) |
Edit existing Wi-Fi networks on device
![]() |
Connecting to network | |
![]() |
Connecting to the Particle cloud | |
![]() |
Claiming device |
It appears that you do not have a battery connected. A battery is recommended for all non-LTE cellular devices; running without a battery may cause connection or data transmission to fail.
You can name your device to make the devices in your account easier to identify.
A random device name has been generated, or you can enter your own here:
Or you can skip naming. You can always rename your device later.
Congratulations, you have completed setting up your device!
- Get started with the Blink an LED tutorial.
- Learn about the Particle Workbench and Web IDE development environments.
- Learn how the Particle cloud can make Internet-connected devices easy to build.
- Get deep into device programming with the Device OS API reference.
Or just try changing the color of the status LED on your device over the cloud:
Flashing product firmware complete!
Flashing cloud debug firmware complete! Monitor the status using the USB serial debug console.
Device restore complete!
Device restore complete! Tracker will enter shipping mode shortly.
DFU flashing failed.
Congratulations, it appears that your device is online and functioning properly now!
It appears that your device connected to the cloud, then got a firmware update that erased the setup firmware. This prevents logs and other diagnostic data from being displayed, but your device should be fully functional.
Your original device firmware has been restored.
Claiming the device failed.
This typically occurs because the device is claimed to another user already, or was previously part of a product.
Activating the SIM failed
This typically occurs because the SIM card is already assigned to another user or a product.
If you continue without activating the SIM you may not be able to get online until you manually activate the SIM.
Wi-Fi setup in progress... this can take up to 1 minute.
Wi-Fi setup compete. Your device will be reset to activate the new configuration.
Wi-Fi setup failed. This can happen if the password is invalid. It may help to reset the device and try again.
This Wi-Fi setup tool cannot be used with the Photon and P1. The Web Device Doctor can be used to set Wi-Fi credentials.
The device must be in listening mode (blinking dark blue), normal operating mode (breathing cyan), blinking green, blinking cyan or safe mode (breathing magenta) to use this tool.
The device cannot be in safe mode (blinking yellow), reset the device or use the Web Device Doctor to repair it.
This option can only be used to configure Wi-Fi devices.
Performing a scan for available towers (this takes 3 to 6 minutes)...
![]() |
Preparing the cellular modem for scanning | |
![]() |
Scanning for towers |
Tower scan complete!
Your device can look for all compatible cellular towers near your device. This process takes 1 - 2 minutes and will interrupt the normal operation of your device. You may want to do this if your device is stuck on blinking green or you want to troubleshoot intermittent cellular connectivity.
On the Electron and E-Series, device debugging logs will not display while the device is connecting to cellular (blinking green). If you are trying to debug connection failures, you may need to use a serial terminal program or the Particle CLI to view the logs.
It appears that the device is not responding with log data. The best way to troubleshoot when this occurs is to use the particle serial monitor CLI command.
Tower information
MCC | MNC | CI | LAC | RSSI | Carrier | Band |
Device information
Device information retrieved from the cloud:
Cellular information
Location information
Device Value | Location Fusion |
GNSS hardware location
GNSS module information
Cloud Events
Event Name | Event Data | Event Time |
Device firmware information
Module | Valid | Version | Dependencies |
User information
Still having trouble? You can create a support ticket for help with this issue.
This tool can be used to set up Wi-Fi for Argon, P2, and Photon 2 devices connected by USB. It will only set Wi-Fi credentials and does not affect claiming or product membership and does not flash any firmware to the device.
It can only be used in Chrome, Edge, or Opera browsers on Windows, Linux, Mac, and Chromebook. It cannot be used on phones or tablets, and cannot be used with Safari or Firefox.
You can use the Particle CLI if you don't have a compatible browser or want to configure a P1 or Photon 1 device.
This tool can only be used on:
- Chrome (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chromebook, or Android, version 61 and later)
- Edge (version 79 or later
- Opera (Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android, version 48 or later
- Samsung Internet (version 8.0 or later)
If you are using an iOS device, Safari, or other unsupported browser (such as Firefox), you can use the Particle CLI for Windows, Mac, and Linux, or the Particle mobile app for iOS or Android instead.