Serial number management

There are several unique identifiers present on Particle devices. The most commonly used are the Device ID and Serial number.

Device identifiers

Device ID

Every Particle device has a unique 24-character hexadecimal identifier known as the Device ID. This never changes for each device, and is the recommended method of uniquely identifying a device.

In device firmware, use System.deviceID() to return a String object that contains the Device ID. This is always 24 characters, and the hex letter a-f are always lowercase.

In a webhook, {{{PARTICLE_DEVICE_ID}}} is the Device ID of the source of the event.

Most Particle cloud API calls that directly reference a device use the Device ID as the default method of identifying a device. For example, to get device information:

GET /v1/devices/:deviceId

Serial number

All recent Particle devices have a serial number. This is printed on a sticker attached to the device, and is generally also on a sticker on the outside of the box.

The serial number is useful for onboarding a new device, but we do not recommend using the serial number as a unique identifier in your database. The reason is that the API to look up a device by its serial number is rate limited for security reasons. To avoid using this API, you need to list all devices in your product, which is not particularly efficient either.

To get the serial number from user firmware:

char serial[HAL_DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE + 1] = {0};
int ret = hal_get_device_serial_number(serial, HAL_DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE, nullptr);
if (ret == SYSTEM_ERROR_NONE) {
  // Success

HAL_DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE is currently 15. Note that serial is not null terminated by hal_get_device_serial_number but is by the example code by making the buffer 1 byte larger and zero initializing it.

The serial number is available by the Particle cloud API get device information in the serial_number field.

Data matrix sticker

The serial number sticker contains a data matrix code (like a QR code). This encodes the following:

  • Serial number
  • A space character
  • The mobile secret

For devices without BLE capabilities (Gen 2 devices), the data matrix only contains the serial number.

Note that older Photon, P1, Electron, and E-Series modules do not have a serial number sticker. Older Electron an E-Series with a "u-blox" sticker have the IMEI encoded in a 2D barcode. P0 modules (including the Photon) have an USI manufacturing code which is not easily mapped to any Particle identifier.

Determining the device SKU

The main reason to use the serial number is to find the SKU associated with a device. For some types of devices, such as the Boron, there are several different SKUs that all have the same platform ID. The serial number is the best way to differentiate between these devices.

Each SKU has a unique prefix, which is often "P" followed by a 3-digit number in recent devices, or some other alphanumeric combination for older devices. This prefix can be used for runtime detection of the SKU on-device, if desired.

Note that in the tables below, some kits, such as the Argon Air Quality Monitor Kit (ARG-AQKT) have a serial number prefix for the outer box, but the Argon itself inside the box will not have this prefix; it will just be a generic Argon.

Some older devices do not have the serial number stored on the device (E260, for example).

SKU to Prefix

SKU Description Lifecycle Prefix
ARG-AQKT Argon Air Quality Monitor Kit [x1] Deprecated P011
ARG-LDKT Argon Leak Detection Kit [x1] Deprecated P013
ARG-STRTKT Argon Starter Kit [x1] Deprecated P010
ARGN-H Argon [x1] Deprecated ARNH
ARGNKIT Argon, Starter Kit [x1] Deprecated ARNK
ARGNTRAY50 Argon, Tray [x50] Deprecated ARNT
ASSET2GV2 Asset Tracker 2G Deprecated A35K
ASSET3G260V2 Asset Tracker 3G (Americas/Aus) Deprecated A26K
ASSET3G270V2 Asset Tracker 3G (Eur/Asia/Afr) Deprecated A27K
B402MEA B-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated P006
B402MTY B-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] Deprecated P007
B404MEA B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] Deprecated P033
B404MTY B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] NRND P033
B404XMEA B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P042
B404XMTY B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA P042
B504EMEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM+), [x1] In development P069
B504EMTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM+), [x50] In development P069
B504MEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P056
B504MTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x50] GA P056
B523MEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe) [x1] Deprecated P019
B523MTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe), Tray [x50] NRND P020
B524MEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM) [x1] GA P034
B524MTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA P034
BRN310KIT Boron 2G/3G (Global) Starter Kit, [x1] Deprecated B31K
BRN310TRAY50 Boron 2G/3G (Global), Tray [x50] Deprecated B31T
BRN314KIT Boron 2G/3G (Global) Starter Kit, [x1] Deprecated P027
BRN314TRAY50 Boron 2G/3G (Global), Tray [x50] NRND P027
BRN402 Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated B40H
BRN402-AQKT Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm) Air Quality Monitor Kit, [x1] Deprecated P012
BRN402KIT Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Starter Kit [x1] Deprecated B40K
BRN402TRAY50 Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] NRND B40T
BRN404 Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated P028
BRN404KIT Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Starter Kit [x1] Deprecated P028
BRN404TRAY50 Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] Deprecated P028
BRN404X Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] GA P044
BRN404XKIT Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Starter Kit [x1] GA P044
BRN404XTRAY50 Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] GA P044
E260KIT Electron 2G/3G (Americas/Aus) Starter Kit, [x1] Deprecated E26K
E260TRAY50 Electron 2G/3G (Americas/Aus), Tray [x50] Deprecated E26T
E270KIT Electron 2G/3G (EMEA) Starter Kit, [x1] Deprecated E27K
E270TRAY50 Electron 2G/3G (EMEA), Tray [x50] NRND E27T
E310KIT E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E310) Evaluation Kit, [x1] NRND E31K
E310MOD1 E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E310), [x1] Deprecated E31M
E310TRAY50 E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E310), Tray [x50] Deprecated E31T
E313EA E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E313), [x1] Deprecated P005
E313TRAY50 E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E313), Tray [x50] End of life P005
E314KIT E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E314) Evaluation Kit, [x1] NRND P029
E314MOD1 E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E314), [x1] Deprecated P029
E314TRAY50 E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E314), Tray [x50] NRND P029
E350KIT Electron 2G Kit (Global) Deprecated E35K
E350TRAY50 Electron 2G (Global), Tray [x50] Deprecated E35T
E402KIT E-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm) Evaluation Kit, [x1] NRND E40K
E402MOD1 E-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated E40M
E402TRAY50 E-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] NRND E40T
E404KIT E-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM) Evaluation Kit, [x1] NRND P030
E404MOD1 E-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] NRND P030
E404TRAY50 E-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] Deprecated P030
E404XTRAY50 E-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA P052
ELC314TY Electron 2G/3G (Global - U201) , Tray [x50] NRND P035
ELC402EA Electron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated E4DK
ELC402TY Electron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] Deprecated E4DT
ELC404TY Electron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] Deprecated P036
M404MEA M-Series LTE-M/2G (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P054
M404MTY M-Series LTE-M/2G (Global, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA P054
M524MEA M-Series LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P055
M524MTY M-Series LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA P055
M635EMEA M-Series LTE M1/2G/Satellite Kit (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] In development P068
M635MEA M-Series LTE M1/2G/Satellite Kit (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] In development P055
MON404E01C01KIT Monitor One LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Particle Transparent Enclosure, IO Card, Developer Edition [x1] GA P031
MON404E02C01KIT Monitor One LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Particle Blue Enclosure, IO Card, Developer Edition [x1] In development P031
MON524E01C01KIT Monitor One LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Particle Transparent Enclosure, IO Card, Developer Edition [x1] GA P031
MUON404 Muon LTE-M/2G Dev Board (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P054
MUON404EA Muon LTE-M/2G Kit (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P054
MUON524 Muon LTE CAT1/3G/2G Dev Board (Europe, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P055
MUON524EA Muon LTE CAT1/3G/2G Kit (Europe, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P055
MUON635 Muon LTE M1/2G/Satellite Dev Board (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] In development P054
MUON635EA Muon LTE M1/2G/Satellite Kit (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] In development P054
ONE402MEA Tracker One LTE M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated P024
ONE402MTY Tracker One LTE M1 (NorAm), Bulk [x40] Deprecated P024
ONE404MEA Tracker One LTE M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P031
ONE404MTY Tracker One LTE M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Bulk [x40] GA P031
ONE523MEA Tracker One LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe), [x1] GA P025
ONE523MTY Tracker One CAT1/3G/2G (Europe), Bulk [x40] GA P025
ONE524MEA Tracker One LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P032
ONE524MTY Tracker One CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Bulk [x40] GA P032
P0MOD10 P0 Wi-Fi Module, Cut tape [x10] Deprecated P0MD
P1MOD10 P1 Wi-Fi Module, Cut tape [x10] Deprecated P1MD
P2MOD10 P2 Wi-Fi Module, Cut tape [x10] GA P046
P2REEL P2 Wi-Fi Module, Reel [x600] GA P046
PHN2EDGEKIT Edge ML Kit for Photon 2 (Photon 2 included) Deprecated P051
PHN2KIT Photon 2, Kit [x1] GA P051
PHN2MEA Photon 2 [x1] GA P051
PHN2MTY Photon 2, Tray [x50] GA P051
PHNTRAYH Photon with Headers, Tray [x50] NRND PHHT
PHNTRAYNOH Photon without Headers, Tray [x50] Deprecated PHNT
PHOTONH Photon with Headers, [x1] Deprecated PHHM
PHOTONKIT Photon with Headers Starter Kit, [x1] Deprecated PHHK
PHOTONNOH Photon without Headers, Dev board Kit [x1] Deprecated PHNM
SNSRKIT3G260 Electron 3G (Americas/Aus) Sensor Kit, [x1] Deprecated S26K
SNSRKIT3G270 Electron 3G (Eur/Asia/Afr) Sensor Kit, [x1] Deprecated S27K
T402MEA Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated P024
T402MKIT Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm) Evaluation Kit, [x1] Deprecated P024
T402MTY Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] NRND P024
T404MEA Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P031
T404MKIT Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM) Evaluation Kit, [x1] GA P031
T404MTY Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA P031
T523MEA Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe), [x1] Deprecated P025
T523MKIT Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe) Evaluation Kit, [x1] NRND P025
T523MTY Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe), Tray [x50] Deprecated P025
T524MEA Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), [x1] GA P032
T524MKIT Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM) Evaluation Kit, [x1] GA P032
T524MTY Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA P032
XENNTRAY50 Xenon [x50] End of life XENT

Prefix to SKU

Prefix SKU Description Lifecycle
A26K ASSET3G260V2 Asset Tracker 3G (Americas/Aus) Deprecated
A27K ASSET3G270V2 Asset Tracker 3G (Eur/Asia/Afr) Deprecated
A35K ASSET2GV2 Asset Tracker 2G Deprecated
ARNH ARGN-H Argon [x1] Deprecated
ARNK ARGNKIT Argon, Starter Kit [x1] Deprecated
ARNT ARGNTRAY50 Argon, Tray [x50] Deprecated
B31K BRN310KIT Boron 2G/3G (Global) Starter Kit, [x1] Deprecated
B31T BRN310TRAY50 Boron 2G/3G (Global), Tray [x50] Deprecated
B40H BRN402 Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated
B40K BRN402KIT Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Starter Kit [x1] Deprecated
B40T BRN402TRAY50 Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] NRND
E26K E260KIT Electron 2G/3G (Americas/Aus) Starter Kit, [x1] Deprecated
E26T E260TRAY50 Electron 2G/3G (Americas/Aus), Tray [x50] Deprecated
E27K E270KIT Electron 2G/3G (EMEA) Starter Kit, [x1] Deprecated
E27T E270TRAY50 Electron 2G/3G (EMEA), Tray [x50] NRND
E31K E310KIT E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E310) Evaluation Kit, [x1] NRND
E31M E310MOD1 E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E310), [x1] Deprecated
E31T E310TRAY50 E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E310), Tray [x50] Deprecated
E35K E350KIT Electron 2G Kit (Global) Deprecated
E35T E350TRAY50 Electron 2G (Global), Tray [x50] Deprecated
E40K E402KIT E-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm) Evaluation Kit, [x1] NRND
E40M E402MOD1 E-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated
E40T E402TRAY50 E-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] NRND
E4DK ELC402EA Electron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated
E4DT ELC402TY Electron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] Deprecated
P005 E313EA E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E313), [x1] Deprecated
P005 E313TRAY50 E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E313), Tray [x50] End of life
P006 B402MEA B-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated
P007 B402MTY B-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] Deprecated
P010 ARG-STRTKT Argon Starter Kit [x1] Deprecated
P011 ARG-AQKT Argon Air Quality Monitor Kit [x1] Deprecated
P012 BRN402-AQKT Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm) Air Quality Monitor Kit, [x1] Deprecated
P013 ARG-LDKT Argon Leak Detection Kit [x1] Deprecated
P019 B523MEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe) [x1] Deprecated
P020 B523MTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe), Tray [x50] NRND
P024 ONE402MEA Tracker One LTE M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated
P024 ONE402MTY Tracker One LTE M1 (NorAm), Bulk [x40] Deprecated
P024 T402MEA Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated
P024 T402MKIT Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm) Evaluation Kit, [x1] Deprecated
P024 T402MTY Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] NRND
P025 ONE523MEA Tracker One LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe), [x1] GA
P025 ONE523MTY Tracker One CAT1/3G/2G (Europe), Bulk [x40] GA
P025 T523MEA Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe), [x1] Deprecated
P025 T523MKIT Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe) Evaluation Kit, [x1] NRND
P025 T523MTY Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe), Tray [x50] Deprecated
P027 BRN314KIT Boron 2G/3G (Global) Starter Kit, [x1] Deprecated
P027 BRN314TRAY50 Boron 2G/3G (Global), Tray [x50] NRND
P028 BRN404 Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] Deprecated
P028 BRN404KIT Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Starter Kit [x1] Deprecated
P028 BRN404TRAY50 Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] Deprecated
P029 E314KIT E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E314) Evaluation Kit, [x1] NRND
P029 E314MOD1 E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E314), [x1] Deprecated
P029 E314TRAY50 E-Series 2G/3G (Global - E314), Tray [x50] NRND
P030 E404KIT E-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM) Evaluation Kit, [x1] NRND
P030 E404MOD1 E-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] NRND
P030 E404TRAY50 E-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] Deprecated
P031 MON404E01C01KIT Monitor One LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Particle Transparent Enclosure, IO Card, Developer Edition [x1] GA
P031 MON404E02C01KIT Monitor One LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Particle Blue Enclosure, IO Card, Developer Edition [x1] In development
P031 MON524E01C01KIT Monitor One LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Particle Transparent Enclosure, IO Card, Developer Edition [x1] GA
P031 ONE404MEA Tracker One LTE M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P031 ONE404MTY Tracker One LTE M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Bulk [x40] GA
P031 T404MEA Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P031 T404MKIT Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM) Evaluation Kit, [x1] GA
P031 T404MTY Tracker SoM LTE M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA
P032 ONE524MEA Tracker One LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P032 ONE524MTY Tracker One CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Bulk [x40] GA
P032 T524MEA Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P032 T524MKIT Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM) Evaluation Kit, [x1] GA
P032 T524MTY Tracker SoM LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA
P033 B404MEA B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] Deprecated
P033 B404MTY B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] NRND
P034 B524MEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM) [x1] GA
P034 B524MTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA
P035 ELC314TY Electron 2G/3G (Global - U201) , Tray [x50] NRND
P036 ELC404TY Electron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] Deprecated
P042 B404XMEA B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P042 B404XMTY B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA
P044 BRN404X Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] GA
P044 BRN404XKIT Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Starter Kit [x1] GA
P044 BRN404XTRAY50 Boron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] GA
P046 P2MOD10 P2 Wi-Fi Module, Cut tape [x10] GA
P046 P2REEL P2 Wi-Fi Module, Reel [x600] GA
P051 PHN2EDGEKIT Edge ML Kit for Photon 2 (Photon 2 included) Deprecated
P051 PHN2KIT Photon 2, Kit [x1] GA
P051 PHN2MEA Photon 2 [x1] GA
P051 PHN2MTY Photon 2, Tray [x50] GA
P052 E404XTRAY50 E-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA
P054 M404MEA M-Series LTE-M/2G (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P054 M404MTY M-Series LTE-M/2G (Global, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA
P054 MUON404 Muon LTE-M/2G Dev Board (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P054 MUON404EA Muon LTE-M/2G Kit (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P054 MUON635 Muon LTE M1/2G/Satellite Dev Board (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] In development
P054 MUON635EA Muon LTE M1/2G/Satellite Kit (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] In development
P055 M524MEA M-Series LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P055 M524MTY M-Series LTE CAT1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] GA
P055 M635MEA M-Series LTE M1/2G/Satellite Kit (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] In development
P055 MUON524 Muon LTE CAT1/3G/2G Dev Board (Europe, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P055 MUON524EA Muon LTE CAT1/3G/2G Kit (Europe, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P056 B504MEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] GA
P056 B504MTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x50] GA
P068 M635EMEA M-Series LTE M1/2G/Satellite Kit (Global, EtherSIM), [x1] In development
P069 B504EMEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM+), [x1] In development
P069 B504EMTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM+), [x50] In development
P0MD P0MOD10 P0 Wi-Fi Module, Cut tape [x10] Deprecated
P1MD P1MOD10 P1 Wi-Fi Module, Cut tape [x10] Deprecated
PHHK PHOTONKIT Photon with Headers Starter Kit, [x1] Deprecated
PHHM PHOTONH Photon with Headers, [x1] Deprecated
PHHT PHNTRAYH Photon with Headers, Tray [x50] NRND
PHNM PHOTONNOH Photon without Headers, Dev board Kit [x1] Deprecated
PHNT PHNTRAYNOH Photon without Headers, Tray [x50] Deprecated
S26K SNSRKIT3G260 Electron 3G (Americas/Aus) Sensor Kit, [x1] Deprecated
S27K SNSRKIT3G270 Electron 3G (Eur/Asia/Afr) Sensor Kit, [x1] Deprecated
XENT XENNTRAY50 Xenon [x50] End of life