Asset OTA community projects

The projects in this section are provided by members of the Particle community to show how to interact with specific devices using Asset OTA.

Highlighted projects

Arduino Uno Asset OTA

The Arduino Uno project shows how to interface to a 5V Arduino device, including necessary level shifting hardware, and flash the device firmware using Asset OTA.

Arduino Uno

Sound Asset OTA

The sound project shows how you can upgrade sound assets stored on an external SD card using Asset OTA.

Sound example


If you'd like to contribute an Asset OTA community project:

Content must be submitted in Markdown format using basic Github markdown.

  • A good way to both submit your content and validate the Markdown is to store it your personal Github repository. The content will be copied out of this so it's only for managing versions until your content has been added to the Particle docs.
  • Or you can submit a zip file containing your content.

Add any images, either in the same directory as the file, or in an images subdirectory. Use the ![alt text](image.png) style of embedding images in your .md file. Recommended size is 1600px wide, but images can be smaller or larger if necessary. When rendered in the docs, the images will be around 800px wide, so if necessary to reveal details click to display at full size will be included when converted. Avoid referencing images on external services.

Integrations options

You can include diagrams using in the same way as Github Mermaid (triple back tick mermaid).

graph TD;

You can include a video, but you must be able to implement your project without having to watch the video. You should externally host videos on YouTube or Vimeo on your channel. A video is optional.

If you have device firmware, create a standard project with a file, src directory, etc. and include it in a subdirectory. The project file browser and zip download of the source will be added when converted into docs format.



If you design files such as Eagle CAD files, for hardware projects, just include the files in a subdirectory; the zip file download link will be generated in the docs if necessary. If you are using Eagle CAD, an interactive viewer for your schematic can be added so users can zoom in and print a high resolution version even if they don't have Eagle CAD.

Schematic Page 1

The documentation content at is Apache 2 licensed, so submissions will have that license as well.

Once your content is ready, send an email to docs-submission (at) That email can also be used to request updates.