Power manager

auxiliaryPowerControlPin() - SystemPowerConfiguration

Since 5.9.0:

Devices using the Particle Power Module include a 3V3_AUX power output that can be controlled by a GPIO. On the M.2 SoM breakout board, this powers the Feather connector. On the Muon, it powers the Ethernet port, LoRaWAN module, 40-pin expansion HAT connector, and QWIIC connector.

The main reason for this is that until the PMIC is configured, the input current with no battery connected is limited to 100 mA. This is insufficient for the M-SoM to boot when using a peripheral that requires a lot of current, like the WIZnet W5500 Ethernet module. The system power manager prevents turning on 3V3_AUX until after the PMIC is configured and the PMIC has negotiated a higher current from the USB host (if powered by USB).

This setting is persistent and only needs to be set once. In fact, the PMIC initialization normally occurs before user firmware is run. This is also necessary because if you are using Ethernet and enter safe mode (breathing magenta), it's necessary to enable 3V3_AUX so if you are using Ethernet, you can still get OTA updates while in safe mode.

After changing the auxiliary power configuration you must reset the device.

SystemPowerConfiguration& auxiliaryPowerControlPin(uint8_t pin, bool activeLevel = 1) 
uint8_t auxiliaryPowerControlPin() const
uint8_t auxiliaryPowerControlActiveLevel()

// EXAMPLE - Muon
SystemPowerConfiguration powerConfig = System.getPowerConfiguration();

// EXAMPLE - M.2 SoM Breakout board
SystemPowerConfiguration powerConfig = System.getPowerConfiguration();