P2 Datasheet

P2 Rendering

Functional description


The P2 is a SMD module with a microcontroller and Wi-Fi networking. The form-factor is the same as the P1, but the P2 supports 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi, BLE, and has much larger RAM and flash that can support larger applications.


  • 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
    • Integrated PCB antenna
    • Integrated U.FL connector for external antenna
    • Integrated RF switch
  • BLE 5 using same antenna as Wi-Fi
  • Realtek RTL8721DM MCU
    • ARM Cortex M33 CPU, 200 MHz
  • 2048 KB (2 MB) user application maximum size
  • 3072 KB (3 MB) of RAM available to user applications
  • 2 MB flash file system
  • FCC (United States), ISED (Canada), and CE (European Union) certified

Device OS support

The P2 requires Device OS 5.0.0 or later. It is recommended that you use the latest version in the 5.x release line.

Some P2 devices from the factory shipped with Device OS 3.2.1-p2.3. This version should not be used in production.

For information on upgrading Device OS, see Version information. For the latest version shipped from the factory, see Manufacturing firmware versions page. See also Long Term Support (LTS) releases.


Block diagram

Block Diagram


  • The P2 includes an on-module PCB trace antenna and a U.FL connector that allows the user to connect an external antenna.
  • The antenna is selected in software. The default is the PCB trace antenna.
  • The area surrounding the PCB antenna on the carrier PCB should be free of ground planes and signal traces for maximum Wi-Fi performance when using the trace antenna.
  • Device operation in the 5150-5250 MHz band is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.

Approved antennas

In addition to the built-in trace antenna, the following optional external antenna is certified for use with the P2:

Antenna SKU
Particle P2/Photon2 Wi-Fi Antenna 2.4/5GHz, [x1] PARANTWM1EA
Particle P2/Photon2 Wi-Fi Antenna 2.4/5GHz, [x50] PARANTWM1TY

This antenna is used for both Wi-Fi and BLE. In order to use an external antenna, it must be selected in software.

A different dual-band antenna can be used but this will likely require both intentional and unintentional radiator certification.

Do not use the Argon Wi-Fi/BLE antenna (ANT-FLXV2) on the P2, Photon 2, or M-SoM. The Argon antenna does not work with 5 GHz and this will result in poor Wi-Fi performance on the P2, Photon 2, and M-SoM.


The P2 module supports programming and debugging use SWD (Serial Wire Debug) on pins D6 and D7.

Pin JTAG MCU Pin P2 Pin # Pull at boot
D7 SWDIO PA[27] 54 Pull-up
D6 SWCLK PB[3] 55 Pull-down
3V3 Power
GND Ground
RST Reset

When the bootloader starts, for a brief period of time a weak pull-up is applied to pin D7 and pull-down to pin D6 to detect whether a SWD debugger is attached. After boot, you can use these pins for regular GPIO, but beware of a possible GPIO state change caused by the pull-up or pull-down when using these pins as output.

Note that SWD is shared with GPIO pins D6 and D7, and by default SWD is only enabled while the bootloader is running, immediately at boot, and when in DFU mode (blinking yellow). Only Debug builds in Particle Workbench have SWD enabled in when user firmware is running.


3V3 is used to supply power to RTL8721 MCU, Wi-Fi, memory, etc.. 3.3V at a minimum of 500 mA is required.

These limits do not include any 3.3V peripherals on your base board, so that may increase the current requirements.

Power supply requirements:

  • 3.3V output
  • Maximum 5% voltage drop
  • 100 mV peak-to-peak ripple maximum
  • 500 mA minimum output current at 3.3V recommended for future compatibility
  • Maintain these values at no-load as well as maximum load

In some cases, it may be necessary to add a supervisory/reset IC, such as the Richtek RT9818C or SG Micro SGM809-RXN3L/TR:

  • If your power supply has a slew rate from 1.5V to 3.0V slower than 15 ms, a reset IC is required.
  • If your power supply at power off cannot be guaranteed to drop below 0.3V before powering back up, a reset IC required.

See supervisory reset, below, for additional information.

Memory map

Flash layout overview

Address File Purpose
0x00000000 p2-prebootloader-mbr This file is factory configured and must never be overwritten
0x00004000 p2-bootloader Device OS bootloader
0x00014000 p2-prebootloader-part1 Bootloader for KM0 processor, infrequently modified
0x00060000 p2-system-part1 Device OS system part
  • The location of the user binary is dependent on the size of the user binary and is not flashed to a fixed location.

  • Do not chip erase the RTL872x under any circumstances! Also do not flash anything to address 0 (prebootloader-mbr). The prebootloader-mbr is factory configured for your specific device with the private keys necessary for secure boot. If you erase or overwrite this portion of the flash you will not be able to program or use the device again.

DCT Layout

The DCT area of flash memory has been mapped to a separate DFU media device so that we can incrementally update the application data. This allows one item (say, server public key) to be updated without erasing the other items.

Region Offset Size
system flags 0 32
version 32 2
device private key 34 1216
device public key 1250 384
ip config 1634 120
feature flags 1754 4
country code 1758 4
claim code 1762 63
claimed 1825 1
ssid prefix 1826 26
device code 1852 6
version string 1858 32
dns resolve 1890 128
reserved1 2018 64
server public key 2082 768
padding 2850 2
flash modules 2852 100
product store 2952 24
antenna selection 2976 1
cloud transport 2977 1
alt device public key 2978 128
alt device private key 3106 192
alt server public key 3298 192
alt server address 3490 128
device id 3618 12
radio flags 3630 1
mode button mirror 3631 32
led mirror 3663 96
led theme 3759 64
reserved2 3823 435

Pin and button definition

Peripheral Type Qty Input(I) / Output(O)
Digital 22 I/O
Analog (ADC) 6 I
I2C 1 I/O

Pin markings

GPIO (Digital I/O)

Pin P2 Pin Name P2 GPIO MCU Special boot function
23 A5 / D14 PB[4]  
30 D10 / WKP PA[15]  
33 S6 / D21 PB[31]  
35 D1 / A4 PB[5]  
36 D0 / A3 PB[6]  
40 S0 / D15 PA[12]  
41 S1 / D16 PA[13]  
42 S2 / D17 PA[14]  
43 A1 / D12 PB[2]  
44 S3 / D18 PB[26]  
45 D2 PA[16]  
47 S4 / D19 PA[0]  
49 A2 / D13 PB[7]  
50 A0 / D11 PB[1]  
51 D3 PA[17]  
52 D4 PA[18]  
53 D5 PA[19]  
54 D7 PA[27] SWDIO. 40K pull-up at boot. Low at boot triggers MCU test mode.
55 D6 PB[3] SWCLK. 40K pull-down at boot.
63 RX / D9 PA[8]  
64 TX / D8 PA[7] Low at boot triggers ISP flash download
  • The drive strength is 4 mA per pin in normal drive and 12 mA per pin in high drive mode on the P2.
  • There is a maximum of 200 mA across all pins. The total maximum could be further limited by your 3.3V regulator.
  • Drive strength selection using pinSetDriveStrength is only available in Device OS 5.5.0 and later on the P2.
  • On the P2, Pin RGBR (PA[30]) has a 10K hardware pull-up in the module because it's a trap pin that controls the behavior of the internal 1.1V regulator. This does not affect the RGB LED but could affect your design if you are repurposing this pin as GPIO. You must not hold this pin low at boot.
  • Pins TX, D6, and D7 have additional limitations, see boot mode pins, below.

ADC (analog to digital converter)

The P2 supports six ADC inputs.

Pin Pin Name Description Interface MCU
23 A5 / D14 A5 Analog in, GPIO, PWM. ADC_0 PB[4]
35 D1 / A4 D1 GPIO, PWM, I2C SCL, A4 Analog In ADC_1 PB[5]
36 D0 / A3 D0 GPIO, I2C SDA, A3 Analog In ADC_2 PB[6]
43 A1 / D12 A1 Analog in, PDM DAT, GPIO ADC_5 PB[2]
49 A2 / D13 A2 Analog in, PWM, GPIO ADC_3 PB[7]
50 A0 / D11 A0 Analog in, PDM CLK, GPIO ADC_4 PB[1]
  • ADC inputs are single-ended and limited to 0 to 3.3V
  • Resolution is 12 bits

The ADCs on the P2 and Photon 2 (RTL872x) have a lower impedance than other Particle device MCUs (nRF52, STM32F2xx). They require a stronger drive and this may cause issues when used with a voltage divider.

For signals that change slowly, such as NTC thermocouple resistance, you can add a 2.2 uF capacitor to the signal. For rapidly changing signals, a voltage follower IC can be used.


The VBAT_MEAS pin is connected to Li+ on the Photon 2 and is used to measure the battery voltage by using analogRead(A6). The value returned is 0 - 4095 (inclusive, 12-bit) but represents voltage from 0 - 5 VDC, not 3.3V as is the case with the other ADC inputs.

This pin can be used as an ADC on the P2 with a range of 0 - 5 VDC, however because of the built-in voltage divider combined with the high impedance of the RTL872x ADCs, there may be issues if your circuit does not have sufficient drive, or also includes a voltage divider.

UART serial

The P2 supports three UART serial interfaces.

Pin Pin Name Description Interface MCU
30 D10 / WKP D10 GPIO, Serial 3 CTS, WKP. (Was WKP/A7 on P1.) Serial3 (CTS) PA[15]
40 S0 / D15 S0 GPIO, PWM, SPI MOSI, Serial3 TX, I2S MCLK. (Was P1S0 on P1.) Serial3 (TX) PA[12]
41 S1 / D16 S1 GPIO, PWM, SPI MISO, Serial3 RX. (Was P1S1 on P1.) Serial3 (RX) PA[13]
42 S2 / D17 S2 GPIO, SPI SCK, Serial3 RTS. (Was P1S2 on P1.) Serial3 (RTS) PA[14]
45 D2 D2 GPIO, Serial2 RTS, SPI1 MOSI Serial2 (RTS) PA[16]
51 D3 D3 GPIO, Serial2 CTS, SPI1 MISO Serial2 (CTS) PA[17]
52 D4 D4 GPIO, Serial2 TX, SPI1 SCK Serial2 (TX) PA[18]
53 D5 D5 GPIO, Serial2 RX, SPI1 SS Serial2 (RX) PA[19]
63 RX / D9 Serial1 RX (received data), GPIO Serial1 (RX) PA[8]
64 TX / D8 Serial1 TX (transmitted data), GPIO Serial1 (TX) PA[7]
  • The UART pins are 3.3V and must not be connected directly to a RS-232C port or to a 5V TTL serial port
  • Hardware flow control is optional; if not used then the RTS and CTS pins can be used as regular GPIO
  • Serial1 uses the RTL872x UART_LOG peripheral
  • Serial2 uses the RTL872x HS_UART0 peripheral
  • Serial3 uses the RTL872x LP_UART peripheral
  • Supported baud rates: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200, 128000, 153600, 230400, 380400, 460800, 500000, 921600, 1000000, 1382400, 1444400, 1500000, 1843200, 2000000, 2100000, 2764800, 3000000, 3250000, 3692300, 3750000, 4000000, 6000000


The P2 supports two SPI (serial peripheral interconnect) ports.

Pin Pin Name Description Interface MCU
40 S0 / D15 S0 GPIO, PWM, SPI MOSI, Serial3 TX, I2S MCLK. (Was P1S0 on P1.) SPI (MOSI) PA[12]
41 S1 / D16 S1 GPIO, PWM, SPI MISO, Serial3 RX. (Was P1S1 on P1.) SPI (MISO) PA[13]
42 S2 / D17 S2 GPIO, SPI SCK, Serial3 RTS. (Was P1S2 on P1.) SPI (SCK) PA[14]
44 S3 / D18 S3 GPIO, I2S TX. (Was P1S3 on P1.), SPI SS SPI (SS) PB[26]
45 D2 D2 GPIO, Serial2 RTS, SPI1 MOSI SPI1 (MOSI) PA[16]
51 D3 D3 GPIO, Serial2 CTS, SPI1 MISO SPI1 (MISO) PA[17]
52 D4 D4 GPIO, Serial2 TX, SPI1 SCK SPI1 (SCK) PA[18]
53 D5 D5 GPIO, Serial2 RX, SPI1 SS SPI1 (SS) PA[19]
  • The SPI port is 3.3V and must not be connected directly to devices that drive MISO at 5V
  • If not using a SPI port, its pins can be used as GPIO
  • Any pins can be used as the SPI chip select
  • Multiple devices can generally share a single SPI port
  • SPI uses the RTL872x SPI1 peripheral (25 MHz maximum speed)
  • SPI1 uses the RTL872x SPI0 peripheral (50 MHz maximum speed)

If you are using SPI, Device OS 5.3.1 or later is recommended. Prior to that version, SPI ran at half of the set speed, and SPI1 ran at double the set speed. Timing has also been improved for large DMA transfers; prior to 5.3.1, there could be 1 µs gaps for every 16 bytes of data transferred.


The P2 supports one I2C (two-wire serial interface) port.

Pin Pin Name Description Interface MCU
35 D1 / A4 D1 GPIO, PWM, I2C SCL, A4 Analog In Wire (SCL) PB[5]
36 D0 / A3 D0 GPIO, I2C SDA, A3 Analog In Wire (SDA) PB[6]
  • The I2C port is 3.3V and must not be connected directly a 5V I2C bus
  • Maximum bus speed is 400 kHz
  • External pull-up resistors are required for I2C
  • If not using I2C, pins D0 and D1 can be used as GPIO or analog input.


The P2 supports PWM (pulse-width modulation) on the following pins:

Pin Pin Name Description MCU
23 A5 / D14 A5 Analog in, GPIO, PWM. PB[4]
35 D1 / A4 D1 GPIO, PWM, I2C SCL, A4 Analog In PB[5]
40 S0 / D15 S0 GPIO, PWM, SPI MOSI, Serial3 TX, I2S MCLK. (Was P1S0 on P1.) PA[12]
41 S1 / D16 S1 GPIO, PWM, SPI MISO, Serial3 RX. (Was P1S1 on P1.) PA[13]
49 A2 / D13 A2 Analog in, PWM, GPIO PB[7]

All available PWM pins on the P2 share a single timer. This means that they must all share a single frequency, but can have different duty cycles.


Pulse density modulation digital microphones can be used with the Microphone_PDM library and the P2, but only on specific pins:

Pin Pin Name Description MCU
43 A1 / D12 A1 Analog in, PDM DAT, GPIO PB[2]
50 A0 / D11 A0 Analog in, PDM CLK, GPIO PB[1]


The P2 supports a USB interface for programming the device and for USB serial (CDC) communications. The module itself does not contain a USB connector; you typically add a micro USB or USB C connector on your base board. It is optional but recommended.

Pin Pin Name Description MCU
61 USBDATA+ USB Data+ PA[26]
62 USBDATA- USB Data- PA[25]


The P2 supports an external common anode RGB LED.

One common LED that meets the requirements is the Cree CLMVC-FKA-CL1D1L71BB7C3C3 which is inexpensive and easily procured. You need to add three current limiting resistors. With this LED, we typically use 1K ohm current limiting resistors. These are much larger than necessary. They make the LED less blinding but still provide sufficient current to light the LEDs. If you want maximum brightness you should use the calculated values - 33 ohm on red, and 66 ohm on green and blue.

A detailed explanation of different color codes of the RGB system LED can be found here.

The use of the RGB LED is optional, however it is highly recommended as troubleshooting the device without the LED is very difficult.

Pin Pin Name Description MCU
29 RGBR RGB LED Red. Has 10K hardware pull-up. Do not hold low at boot. PA[30]
31 RGBB RGB LED Blue PB[22]
32 RGBG RGB LED Green PB[23]
  • On the P2, Pin RGBR (PA[30]) has a 10K hardware pull-up in the module because it's a trap pin that controls the behavior of the internal 1.1V regulator. This does not affect the RGB LED but could affect your design if you are repurposing this pin as GPIO. You must not hold this pin low at boot.

Boot mode pins

These pins have a special function at boot. Beware when using these pins as input as they can trigger special modes in the MCU.

Pin Pin Name Description MCU
54 D7 SWDIO. 40K pull-up at boot. Low at boot triggers MCU test mode. PA[27]
55 D6 SWCLK. 40K pull-down at boot. PB[3]
64 TX / D8 Low at boot triggers ISP flash download PA[7]

Battery voltage

The P2 does not include a LiPo battery connector, but if you connect your battery to VBAT_MEAS, this technique can be used to measure the battery voltage:

float voltage = analogRead(A6) / 819.2;

The constant is from the ADC range (0 - 4095) mapped to the voltage from 0 - 5 VDC (the maximum supported on VBAT_MEAS).

SETUP and RESET button

It is highly recommended that you add MODE (SETUP) and RESET buttons to your base board using momentary switches that connect to GND. These are necessary to change the operating mode of the device, for example to enter listening or DFU mode.

Pin Pin Name Description MCU
34 RST Hardware reset. Pull low to reset; can leave unconnected in normal operation. CHIP_EN
46 MODE MODE button. Pin number constant is BTN. External pull-up required! PA[4]

The MODE button does not have a hardware pull-up on it, so you must add an external pull-up (2.2K to 10K) to 3V3, or connect it to 3V3 if not using a button.

The RST pin does have an internal weak pull-up, but you may want to add external pull-up on that as well, especially if you use an off-board reset button connected by long wires.

Supervisory reset

In many cases, it may be desirable to include a supervisory reset IC in your design. The design below is from the Photon 2 and uses the small and inexpensive Richtec RT9818C. This chip will hold the MCU in reset until there is sufficient voltage to successfully boot. This can be helpful if your power supply cannot guarantee a sufficient slew rate.

Of note in this design, the VDD pin of the RT9818C is connected to 3V3. The design is configurable by moving a zero-ohm resistor to disable supervisory reset (by connecting to GND) or to use VIN. Note that the RT9818C has a maximum input voltage of 6V which is compatible with the Photon 2. Keep this in mind if using VIN on designs that have larger VIN voltages.

Of course you can simply wire VDD to 3V3 instead of including the configurable resistors.

5V Tolerance

GPIO and all ports such as I2C, SPI, UART serial, etc. are not 5V tolerant. The only pins that are 5V tolerant are:

Pin Pin Name Description MCU
12 VBAT_MEAS Battery voltage measurement (optional).  
61 USBDATA+ USB Data+ PA[26]
62 USBDATA- USB Data- PA[25]

BLE (Bluetooth LE)

BLE Central Mode on the P2 and Photon 2 is only supported in Device OS 5.1.0 and later. Earlier versions only supported BLE Peripheral Mode.


The P2 can wake from STOP or ULTRA_LOW_POWER sleep mode on any GPIO, RISING, FALLING, or CHANGE.

The P2 can only wake from HIBERNATE sleep mode on pin D10, RISING, FALLING, or CHANGE. Pin D10 is the same module pin location (pin 30) as the P1 WKP (A7) pin.

The P2 preserves the state of outputs during STOP or ULTRA_LOW_POWER sleep mode. In HIBERNATE, outputs are high-impedance.

Most pins can use INPUT_PULLUP or INPUT_PULLDOWN in sleep modes. The exceptions in HIBERNATE sleep mode where pins S4, S5, and S6 can only use an external hardware pull-up or pull down.

Pin Pin Name Description Interface MCU
30 D10 / WKP D10 GPIO, Serial 3 CTS, WKP. (Was WKP/A7 on P1.) Only this pin can wake from HIBERNATE sleep mode. PA[15]
33 S6 / D21 S6 GPIO, I2S WS. (Was P1S6/TESTMODE on P1.) No internal pull up or pull down in HIBERNATE sleep mode. PB[31]
47 S4 / D19 S4 GPIO, I2S RX. (Was P1S4 on P1.) No internal pull up or pull down in HIBERNATE sleep mode. PA[0]
48 S5 / D20 S5 GPIO, I2S CLK. (Was P1S5 on P1.) No internal pull up or pull down in HIBERNATE sleep mode. PB[29]


The P2 has 512 KB of static RAM (SRAM) and 4 MB of pseudo-static RAM (PSRAM).

Around 3072 KB (3 MB) of RAM is available for user applications. Heap allocations are made first from SRAM, then from PSRAM, as necessary.

Retained memory

The P2 and Photon 2 have limited support for retained memory in Device OS 5.3.1 and later:

Retained memory is preserved on RTL872x devices in the following cases:

Case Saved
When entering sleep modes 5.3.1 and later
OTA firmware updates 5.3.1 and later
System.backupRamSync() 5.3.1 and later
System.reset() Not saved
Reset button or reset pin Not saved
Every 10 seconds 5.3.1 to 5.8.0 only

Calling System.backupRamSync() will manually save the contents of retained memory to a dedicated flash page on the RTL872x processor and will be restored after the device is reset. You should avoid saving the data extremely frequently as it is slower than RAM and will cause flash wear and is relatively slow to execute.

Prior to Device OS 5.3.1, retained memory is not supported on RTL872x devices. The flash file system can be used, or you can use an external chip such as an I2C or SPI FRAM.

Retained memory is 3068 bytes.

Complete module pin listing

P2 Pinout Diagram
Pin Pin Name Description MCU
1 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
2 3V3_RF 3.3V power to RF module  
3 3V3_RF 3.3V power to RF module  
4 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
5 3V3_IO 3.3V power to MCU IO.  
6 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
7 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
8 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
9 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
10 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
11 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
12 VBAT_MEAS Battery voltage measurement (optional).  
13 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
14 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
15 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
16 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
17 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
18 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
19 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
20 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
21 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
22 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
23 A5 / D14 A5 Analog in, GPIO, PWM. PB[4]
24 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
25 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
26 3V3 3.3V power to MCU  
27 3V3 3.3V power to MCU  
28 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
29 RGBR RGB LED Red. Has 10K hardware pull-up. Do not hold low at boot. PA[30]
30 D10 / WKP D10 GPIO, Serial 3 CTS, WKP. (Was WKP/A7 on P1.) PA[15]
31 RGBB RGB LED Blue PB[22]
32 RGBG RGB LED Green PB[23]
33 S6 / D21 S6 GPIO, I2S WS. (Was P1S6/TESTMODE on P1.) PB[31]
34 RST Hardware reset. Pull low to reset; can leave unconnected in normal operation. CHIP_EN
35 D1 / A4 D1 GPIO, PWM, I2C SCL, A4 Analog In PB[5]
36 D0 / A3 D0 GPIO, I2C SDA, A3 Analog In PB[6]
37 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
38 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
39 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
40 S0 / D15 S0 GPIO, PWM, SPI MOSI, Serial3 TX, I2S MCLK. (Was P1S0 on P1.) PA[12]
41 S1 / D16 S1 GPIO, PWM, SPI MISO, Serial3 RX. (Was P1S1 on P1.) PA[13]
42 S2 / D17 S2 GPIO, SPI SCK, Serial3 RTS. (Was P1S2 on P1.) PA[14]
43 A1 / D12 A1 Analog in, PDM DAT, GPIO PB[2]
44 S3 / D18 S3 GPIO, I2S TX. (Was P1S3 on P1.), SPI SS PB[26]
45 D2 D2 GPIO, Serial2 RTS, SPI1 MOSI PA[16]
46 MODE MODE button. Pin number constant is BTN. External pull-up required! PA[4]
47 S4 / D19 S4 GPIO, I2S RX. (Was P1S4 on P1.) PA[0]
48 S5 / D20 S5 GPIO, I2S CLK. (Was P1S5 on P1.) PB[29]
49 A2 / D13 A2 Analog in, PWM, GPIO PB[7]
50 A0 / D11 A0 Analog in, PDM CLK, GPIO PB[1]
51 D3 D3 GPIO, Serial2 CTS, SPI1 MISO PA[17]
52 D4 D4 GPIO, Serial2 TX, SPI1 SCK PA[18]
53 D5 D5 GPIO, Serial2 RX, SPI1 SS PA[19]
54 D7 D7 GPIO, SWDIO PA[27]
55 D6 D6 GPIO, SWCLK PB[3]
56 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
57 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
58 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
59 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
60 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
61 USBDATA+ USB Data+ PA[26]
62 USBDATA- USB Data- PA[25]
63 RX / D9 Serial1 RX (received data), GPIO PA[8]
64 TX / D8 Serial1 TX (transmitted data), GPIO PA[7]
65 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
66 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
67 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
68 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
69 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
70 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
71 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
72 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
73 GND Ground. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.  
74 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  
75 NC No connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.  

Complete module pin details


Pin Number1
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

2 3V3_RF

Pin Number2
Pin Name3V3_RF
Description3.3V power to RF module

3 3V3_RF

Pin Number3
Pin Name3V3_RF
Description3.3V power to RF module


Pin Number4
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

5 3V3_IO

Pin Number5
Pin Name3V3_IO
Description3.3V power to MCU IO.


Pin Number6
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

7 NC

Pin Number7
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

8 NC

Pin Number8
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

9 NC

Pin Number9
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

10 NC

Pin Number10
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

11 NC

Pin Number11
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.


Pin Number12
DescriptionBattery voltage measurement (optional).
Input is 5V TolerantYes

13 GND

Pin Number13
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

14 NC

Pin Number14
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

15 GND

Pin Number15
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

16 NC

Pin Number16
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

17 NC

Pin Number17
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

18 NC

Pin Number18
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

19 NC

Pin Number19
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

20 NC

Pin Number20
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

21 NC

Pin Number21
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

22 NC

Pin Number22
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

23 A5

Pin Number23
Pin NameA5
Pin Alternate NameD14
DescriptionA5 Analog in, GPIO, PWM.
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports analogReadYes
Supports analogWrite (PWM)Yes
Supports toneYes
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance42K
MCU PinPB[4]

24 NC

Pin Number24
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

25 GND

Pin Number25
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

26 3V3

Pin Number26
Pin Name3V3
Description3.3V power to MCU

27 3V3

Pin Number27
Pin Name3V3
Description3.3V power to MCU

28 GND

Pin Number28
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.


Pin Number29
Pin NameRGBR
DescriptionRGB LED Red. Has 10K hardware pull-up. Do not hold low at boot.
Supports attachInterruptYes
MCU PinPA[30]

30 D10

Pin Number30
Pin NameD10
Pin Alternate NameWKP
DescriptionD10 GPIO, Serial 3 CTS, WKP. (Was WKP/A7 on P1.)
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
UART serialCTS. Use Serial3 object. Flow control optional.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPA[15]


Pin Number31
Pin NameRGBB
DescriptionRGB LED Blue
Supports attachInterruptYes
MCU PinPB[22]


Pin Number32
Pin NameRGBG
DescriptionRGB LED Green
Supports attachInterruptYes
MCU PinPB[23]

33 S6

Pin Number33
Pin NameS6
Pin Alternate NameD21
DescriptionS6 GPIO, I2S WS. (Was P1S6/TESTMODE on P1.)
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports attachInterruptYes
I2S interfaceI2S WS
Internal pull resistance22K. No internal pull up or pull down in HIBERNATE sleep mode.
MCU PinPB[31]

34 RST

Pin Number34
Pin NameRST
DescriptionHardware reset. Pull low to reset; can leave unconnected in normal operation.

35 D1

Pin Number35
Pin NameD1
Pin Alternate NameA4
DescriptionD1 GPIO, PWM, I2C SCL, A4 Analog In
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports analogReadYes
Supports analogWrite (PWM)Yes
Supports toneYes
I2C interfaceSCL. Use Wire object. Use 1.5K to 10K external pull-up resistor.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance22K
MCU PinPB[5]

36 D0

Pin Number36
Pin NameD0
Pin Alternate NameA3
DescriptionD0 GPIO, I2C SDA, A3 Analog In
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports analogReadYes
I2C interfaceSDA. Use Wire object. Use 1.5K to 10K external pull-up resistor.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance22K
MCU PinPB[6]

37 GND

Pin Number37
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

38 NC

Pin Number38
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

39 GND

Pin Number39
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

40 S0

Pin Number40
Pin NameS0
Pin Alternate NameD15
DescriptionS0 GPIO, PWM, SPI MOSI, Serial3 TX, I2S MCLK. (Was P1S0 on P1.)
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports analogWrite (PWM)Yes
Supports toneYes
UART serialTX. Use Serial3 object.
SPI interfaceMOSI. Use SPI object.
Supports attachInterruptYes
I2S interfaceI2S MCLK
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPA[12]

41 S1

Pin Number41
Pin NameS1
Pin Alternate NameD16
DescriptionS1 GPIO, PWM, SPI MISO, Serial3 RX. (Was P1S1 on P1.)
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports analogWrite (PWM)Yes
Supports toneYes
UART serialRX. Use Serial3 object.
SPI interfaceMISO. Use SPI object.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPA[13]

42 S2

Pin Number42
Pin NameS2
Pin Alternate NameD17
DescriptionS2 GPIO, SPI SCK, Serial3 RTS. (Was P1S2 on P1.)
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
UART serialRTS. Use Serial3 object. Flow control optional.
SPI interfaceSCK. Use SPI object.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPA[14]

43 A1

Pin Number43
Pin NameA1
Pin Alternate NameD12
DescriptionA1 Analog in, PDM DAT, GPIO
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports analogReadYes
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPB[2]

44 S3

Pin Number44
Pin NameS3
Pin Alternate NameD18
DescriptionS3 GPIO, I2S TX. (Was P1S3 on P1.), SPI SS
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
SPI interfaceDefault SS for SPI.
Supports attachInterruptYes
I2S interfaceI2S TX
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPB[26]

45 D2

Pin Number45
Pin NameD2
DescriptionD2 GPIO, Serial2 RTS, SPI1 MOSI
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
UART serialRTS. Use Serial2 object. Flow control optional.
SPI interfaceMOSI. Use SPI1 object.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPA[16]


Pin Number46
Pin NameMODE
DescriptionMODE button. Pin number constant is BTN. External pull-up required!
Supports attachInterruptYes
MCU PinPA[4]

47 S4

Pin Number47
Pin NameS4
Pin Alternate NameD19
DescriptionS4 GPIO, I2S RX. (Was P1S4 on P1.)
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports attachInterruptYes
I2S interfaceI2S RX
Internal pull resistance22K. No internal pull up or pull down in HIBERNATE sleep mode.
MCU PinPA[0]

48 S5

Pin Number48
Pin NameS5
Pin Alternate NameD20
DescriptionS5 GPIO, I2S CLK. (Was P1S5 on P1.)
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports attachInterruptYes
I2S interfaceI2S CLK
Internal pull resistance22K. No internal pull up or pull down in HIBERNATE sleep mode
MCU PinPB[29]

49 A2

Pin Number49
Pin NameA2
Pin Alternate NameD13
DescriptionA2 Analog in, PWM, GPIO
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports analogReadYes
Supports analogWrite (PWM)Yes
Supports toneYes
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance42K
MCU PinPB[7]

50 A0

Pin Number50
Pin NameA0
Pin Alternate NameD11
DescriptionA0 Analog in, PDM CLK, GPIO
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports analogReadYes
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPB[1]

51 D3

Pin Number51
Pin NameD3
DescriptionD3 GPIO, Serial2 CTS, SPI1 MISO
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
UART serialCTS. Use Serial2 object. Flow control optional.
SPI interfaceMISO. Use SPI1 object.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPA[17]

52 D4

Pin Number52
Pin NameD4
DescriptionD4 GPIO, Serial2 TX, SPI1 SCK
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
UART serialTX. Use Serial2 object.
SPI interfaceSCK. Use SPI1 object.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPA[18]

53 D5

Pin Number53
Pin NameD5
DescriptionD5 GPIO, Serial2 RX, SPI1 SS
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
UART serialRX. Use Serial2 object.
SPI interfaceSS. Use SPI1 object. Can use any pin for SPI1 SS/CS however.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance2.1K
MCU PinPA[19]

54 D7

Pin Number54
Pin NameD7
DescriptionD7 GPIO, SWDIO
Supports digitalReadYes.
Supports digitalWriteYes. On the Photon this is the blue D7 LED.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance42K
SWD interfaceSWDIO. 40K pull-up at boot.
Signal used at bootSWDIO. 40K pull-up at boot. Low at boot triggers MCU test mode.
MCU PinPA[27]

55 D6

Pin Number55
Pin NameD6
DescriptionD6 GPIO, SWCLK
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance42K
SWD interfaceSWCLK. 40K pull-down at boot.
Signal used at bootSWCLK. 40K pull-down at boot.
MCU PinPB[3]

56 NC

Pin Number56
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

57 NC

Pin Number57
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

58 NC

Pin Number58
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

59 GND

Pin Number59
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

60 NC

Pin Number60
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.


Pin Number61
DescriptionUSB Data+
Input is 5V TolerantYes
MCU PinPA[26]


Pin Number62
DescriptionUSB Data-
Input is 5V TolerantYes
MCU PinPA[25]

63 RX

Pin Number63
Pin NameRX
Pin Alternate NameD9
DescriptionSerial1 RX (received data), GPIO
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
UART serialRX. Use Serial1 object.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance42K
MCU PinPA[8]

64 TX

Pin Number64
Pin NameTX
Pin Alternate NameD8
DescriptionSerial1 TX (transmitted data), GPIO
Supports digitalReadYes
Supports digitalWriteYes
UART serialTX. Use Serial1 object.
Supports attachInterruptYes
Internal pull resistance42K
Signal used at bootLow at boot triggers ISP flash download
MCU PinPA[7]

65 GND

Pin Number65
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

66 GND

Pin Number66
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

67 GND

Pin Number67
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

68 GND

Pin Number68
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

69 GND

Pin Number69
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

70 GND

Pin Number70
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

71 GND

Pin Number71
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

72 GND

Pin Number72
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

73 GND

Pin Number73
Pin NameGND
DescriptionGround. Be sure you connect all P1 ground pins.

74 NC

Pin Number74
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

75 NC

Pin Number75
Pin NameNC
DescriptionNo connection. Do not connect anything to this pin.

Technical specification

Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
Operating Temperature Top -20 +70 °C
Humidity Range Non condensing, relative humidity 95 %

I/O Characteristics

Parameter Symbol Min Typ Peak Unit
Input-High Voltage VIH 2.0 V
Input-Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V
Output drive strength (normal drive) 4 mA
Output drive strength (high drive) 12 mA
Total output drive (all pins) 200 mA

Power consumption

Parameter Symbol Min Typ Peak Unit
Operating Current (uC on, peripherals and radio disabled) Iidle 63.8 65.8 68.9 mA
Operating Current (uC on, BLE advertising) Ible_adv 62.4 66.1 73.8 mA
Operating Current (uC on, radio connected to access point) Iwifi_conn_ap 62.3 67.8 325 mA
STOP mode sleep, GPIO wake-up Istop_gpio 549 579 608 uA
STOP mode sleep, time wake-up Istop_intrtc 543 572 604 uA
ULP mode sleep, GPIO wake-up Iulp_gpio 549 579 608 uA
ULP mode sleep, time wake-up Iulp_intrtc 543 572 604 uA
HIBERNATE mode sleep, GPIO wake-up Ihib_gpio 93.8 114 133 uA
HIBERNATE mode sleep, time wake-up Ihib_intrtc 93.3 115 133 uA

1The min, and particularly peak, values may consist of very short transients. The typical (typ) values are the best indicator of overall power consumption over time. The peak values indicate the absolute minimum capacity of the power supply necessary, not overall consumption.

Mechanical specifications

Module dimensions

  • P2 module dimensions are: 0.787"(28mm) (W) x 1.102"(20mm) (L) x 0.118"(3.0mm) (H) +/-0.0039"(0.1mm) (includes metal shielding)

The P2 can be mounted directly on a carrier PCB with following PCB land pattern:

A P1/P2 part for EAGLE can be found in the Particle EAGLE library.

When laying out your board:

  • The area in the component keep-out (1) must be free of ground plane, traces, and components on the top or bottom of the board. This will be enforced by Eagle CAD.
  • Avoid having a strip of ground plane next to the antenna (2). This is easy to do accidentally, and should be avoided.
  • When possible, avoid ground plane in area (3). If you need to put traces or components in this area, it can be done if there is no convenient alternative, but it's best to keep the area close to the antenna as empty as possible for best RF performance.

P2 Keepout

3D models

3D models of the P2 module are available in the hardware-libraries Github in formats including step, iges, and f3z.

Reference design

A P2 reference design is available in Github. The repository includes schematics, board layout, footprints, for Eagle CAD.

[This information is from the P1, and is likely to remain the same, but is subject to change.]

Phase Temperatures and Rates
A-B. Ambient - 150°C, Heating rate: < 3°C/s
B-C. 150 - 200°C, soak time: 60 - 120 s
C-D. 200 - 245°C, Heating rate: < 3°C/s
D. Peak temp.: 235 - 245°C, Time above 220°C: 40 - 90 s
D-E. 245 - 220°C, Cooling rate: < 1°C/s

Ordering information

P2 modules are available from store.particle.io as cut tape in quantities of 10 each.

SKU Description Region Lifecycle Replacement
P2MOD10 P2 Wi-Fi Module, Cut tape [x10] Global GA
P2REEL P2 Wi-Fi Module, Reel [x600] Global GA

Qualification and approvals

  • RoHS
  • CE
  • FCC ID: 2AEMI-P2
  • ISED: 20127-P2

Product handling

Moisture sensitivity levels

The Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) relates to the packaging and handling precautions required. The P1 module is rated level 3. In general, this precaution applies for Photons without headers. When reflowing a P1 directly onto an application PCB, increased moisture levels prior to reflow can damage sensitive electronics on the P1. A bake process to reduce moisture may be required.

For more information regarding moisture sensitivity levels, labeling, storage and drying see the MSL standard see IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 (can be downloaded from www.jedec.org).

ESD precautions

The P1 module contains highly sensitive electronic circuitry and is an Electrostatic Sensitive Device (ESD). Handling a P1 module without proper ESD protection may destroy or damage it permanently. Proper ESD handling and packaging procedures must be applied throughout the processing, handling and operation of any application that incorporates P1 modules. ESD precautions should be implemented on the application board where the P1 module is mounted. Failure to observe these precautions can result in severe damage to the P1 module!


Water soluble flux

Water soluble flux should not be used with the P2 module. There are components within the module that are moisture-sensitive, and wash water can get trapped under the RF shields, causing damage.

Use no-clean flux instead.

Conformal coatings

We do not recommend using a conformal coating on the P2 module to protect the module from water. Some components on the module cannot be coated and would need to be masked off during coating. This will make the coating process difficult to implement and test.

Using an enclosure that protects both your base board and the P2 module as a single waterproof assembly is recommended instead.

Default settings

The P2 module comes pre-programmed with a bootloader and a user application called Tinker. This application works with an iOS and Android app also named Tinker that allows you to very easily toggle digital pins, take analog and digital readings and drive variable PWM outputs.

The bootloader allows you to easily update the user application via several different methods, USB, OTA, Serial Y-Modem, and also internally via the Factory Reset procedure. All of these methods have multiple tools associated with them as well.

You may use the Particle Web IDE to code, compile and flash a user application OTA (Over The Air). Particle Workbench is a full-featured desktop IDE for Windows, Mac, and Linux based on VSCode and supports both cloud-based and local gcc-arm compiles. The Particle CLI provides a command-line interface for cloud-based compiles and flashing code over USB.

Intended applications

The P2 module is intended to be used for Wi-Fi based Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications such as environment, weather, HVAC, equipment, and security monitoring.

The P2 is not certified for use as a wearable device.


Radio Frequency
Surface Mount Technology (often associated with SMD which is a surface mount device).
Access Point
Universal Serial Bus
Quiescent current
Current consumed in the deepest sleep state
Five-tolerant; Refers to a pin being tolerant to 5V.
+3.3V; The regulated +3.3V supply rail. Also used to note a pin is only 3.3V tolerant.
Real Time Clock
Over The Air; describing how firmware is transferred to the device.

FCC ISED CE warnings and end product labeling requirements

The FCC, ISED, and CE certifications are radio module certifications only. Additional certification will be required for your completed system.

United States (FCC)

Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter module must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This End equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that these conditions can not be met (for example certain laptop configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longer considered valid and the FCC ID can not be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC authorization.

End Product Labeling The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following:

Contains FCC ID: 2AEMI-P2

Manual Information to the End User The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module.

Outdoor Use (US)

To be compliant to FCC §15.407(a) the EIRP is not allowed to exceed 125 mW (21 dBm) at any elevation angle above 30° (measured from the horizon) when operated as an outdoor access point in U-NII-1 band, 5.150-5.250 GHz.

Canada (ISED)

Canada Statement This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause interference; and
  2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.

L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:

  1. l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
  2. l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

Caution Exposure: This device meets the exemption from the routine evaluation limits in section 2.5 of RSS102 and users can obtain Canadian information on RF exposure and compliance. Le dispositif répond à l'exemption des limites d'évaluation de routine dans la section 2.5 de RSS102 et les utilisateurs peuvent obtenir des renseignements canadiens sur l'exposition aux RF et le respect.

The final end product must be labelled in a visible area with the following: The Industry Canada certification label of a module shall be clearly visible at all times when installed in the host device, otherwise the host device must be labelled to display the Industry Canada certification number of the module, preceded by the words “Contains transmitter module”, or the word “Contains”, or similar wording expressing the same meaning, as follows:

Contains transmitter module ISED: 20127-P2

This End equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body. Cet équipement devrait être installé et actionné avec une distance minimum de 20 centimètres entre le radiateur et votre corps.

The end user manual shall include all required regulatory information/warning as shown in this manual.

Outdoor use (CA)

  • Operation in the band 5150–5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems;
  • Operation in the 5600-5650 MHz band is not allowed in Canada. High-power radars are allocated as primary users (i.e., priority users) of the bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and that these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.

  • Le dispositif de fonctionnement dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz est réservé à une utilisation en intérieur pour réduire le risque d'interférences nuisibles à la co-canal systèmes mobiles par satellite
  • Opération dans la bande 5600-5650 MHz n'est pas autorisée au Canada. Haute puissance radars sont désignés comme utilisateurs principaux (c.-àutilisateurs prioritaires) des bandes 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz et que ces radars pourraient causer des interférences et / ou des dommages à dispositifs LAN-EL.

European Union (CE)

We, Particle Industries,Inc, declare under our sole responsibility that the product, P2, to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with RED Directive 2014/53/EU and (EU) 2015/863 RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU (Recast).

The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the followingInternet address: https://www.particle.io/

Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.

The operating frequency bands and the maximum transmitted power limit are listed below:

  • BLE 2402-2480MHz 10dBm
  • Wi-Fi 2.4GHz band 2412-2484MHz 20dBm
  • Wi-Fi 5GHz band 5180-5825MHz 23dBm

United Kingdom

UKCA Conformity:

Radio Equipment Regulations 2017 (S.I. 2017/1206)

Outdoor use (world)

This device is restricted to indoor use when operating in the 5150 to 5350 MHz frequency range. This restriction applies in: AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, UA, UK(NI).

Certification documents

Bluetooth - P2

CE (Europe) - P2

FCC (United States) - P2

ISED (Canada) - P2

RoHS - P2

UKCA (United Kingdom) - P2

Revision history

Revision Date Author Comments
pre 2021-11-04 RK Pre-release
2022-02-08 RK Corrected D pin aliases for A5 and S0-S6
2022-02-25 RK Changed D pin aliases for D9 - D22, A5 is not SPI MOSI, Serial2 TX and RX were reversed
2022-03-14 RK Minor edits; no functional changes
2022-03-23 RK Added FCC and ISED IDs, operating temperature range
2022-04-12 RK Added serial baud rates
2022-04-16 RK Added Serial3
2022-05-07 RK Temperature range is -20°C to +70°C
2022-05-27 RK Updated antenna information, rendering
2022-06-03 RK Added note about module certification
2022-06-08 RK Added intended applications section, changed reference to ARM M4F to M33
2022-06-29 RK Added flash memory map
2022-07-14 RK No hardware pull-up on MODE pin
2022-07-22 RK Added power consumption
2022-08-12 RK Added listing of pins used at boot
2022-08-12 RK Warning about BLE central mode not available
2022-08-18 RK EU certification statement
2022-09-16 RK Added UKCA conformity
2022-11-08 RK Added external antenna
2022-11-16 RK Added additional board layout tips
2022-11-17 RK Pin D0 does not have PWM
2022-12-16 RK Added warning about using RGBR as GPIO because of the 10K pull-up
2023-01-31 RK Add Device OS versions
001 2023-03-08 RK Main CPU (KM4) is M33, not M23
002 2023-03-14 RK Added power supply specifications
003 2023-04-05 RK Added Device OS 5.3.1 information for SPI and retained memory
004 2023-04-10 RK Outdoor use restrictions
005 2023-04-24 RK Document VBAT_MEAS
006 2023-04-28 RK Add conformal coating and flux notes
007 2023-05-05 RK Update available RAM
008 2023-05-11 RK Add link to reference design
009 2023-06-07 RK Add module height (3mm)
010 2023-07-07 RK Add supervisory reset IC recommendation
011 2023-09-08 RK Add 5V tolerance section
012 2023-11-13 RK Add full pin details
013 2023-12-20 RK Add boot mode pin information to GPIO pin listing
014 2024-02-20 RK Added pin drive strength
015 2024-03-11 RK Added boot mode pin warning to GPIO pin table
016 2024-04-18 RK Add PDM microphone
017 2024-04-23 RK Added links to certification documents
018 2024-04-25 RK Update retained memory description
019 2024-04-25 RK Added I/O characteristics
020 2024-08-21 RK Added supervisory reset information
021 2024-09-04 RK Added note about VBAT_MEAS
022 2024-10-02 RK Added warning to not use Argon (ANT-FLXV2) antenna

Known errata




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