B-Series from Electron Migration Guide

The B-Series SoM (system-on-a-module) is a 3rd-generation cellular device. It plugs into an M.2 NGFF connector on your custom circuit board and is intended for mass production use.

Many of the extra features on the Electron have been omitted from the SoM, so you can implement a custom solution as necessary. For example, rather than duplicating the buttons and status LED on the SoM, you can put them on an external control panel for your product, or omit them entirely.

Additionally, the extra width vs. the Electron (0.7" DIP) form-factor makes it possible to include a LTE Cat 1 with 2G/3G fallback cellular modem, such as the Quectel EG91-E on the B524. This modem is too wide to fit in the Electron form-factor.

All Electron models have been deprecated. It is recommended that you migrate to the B-Series SoM, and it is required to get LTE Cat 1 with 2G/3G fallback support in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

Feature Electron B-Series SoM SoM Base Board
U.FL Antenna Connector Optional
MFF2 SMD Particle SIM2 3  
Nano 4FF SIM card connector    
USB Connector   Optional
Status LED   Optional
Reset and Mode Buttons   Optional
Battery Connector   Optional
PMIC and Fuel Gauge1   Optional

1The PMIC (power management IC) and fuel gauge are used with battery-powered applications. They're omitted from the SoM as they are not needed for externally powered solutions (grid or automotive power, for example). Additionally, you may want to use different models if you are making a solar-powered device, or using a different battery technology or multiple battery pack.

2The built-in Particle SIM card is free for use up to certain limits, no credit card required.

3The Electron 2G and 2G/3G models include only a 4FF nano SIM card socket. The Electron LTE (ELC402 and ELC404) only includes a MFF2 SMD Particle SIM.

The available models include:

Model Region EtherSIM Bands Lifecycle Replacement
B404X United States, Canada, Mexico LTE Cat M1 Coming soon
B404 United States, Canada, Mexico LTE Cat M1 Last buy Use B404X instead
B402 United States, Canada, Mexico LTE Cat 1, 2G, 3G Deprecated Use B404X instead
B523 Europe LTE Cat 1, 2G, 3G Deprecated Use B524 instead
  • The B404X, B404, and B402 cannot be used in Central or South America.
  • The B524 can be used in selected countries in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia (EMEAA), including Australia and New Zealand.
  • The B524 and B523 do not work out of the EMEAA region.
  • See the Carrier List for compatibility in specific countries



The B-Series SoM cannot be used without a base board. Typically you will create your own board, however there are two off-the-shelf options available:

B-Series Eval board

B-Series Eval

The B-Series evaluation board provides a variety of interfaces and access to all ports and pins on the B-Series SoM. You can use the expansion connector to connect the evaluation board to a breadboard for prototyping. You can also add sensors and accessories using the Grove expansion connectors.

Ports Diagram
Num ID Description
1 External Power 5-12 VDC. Minimum power requirements are 5VDC @500mA (when using the LiPo battery) or 5VDC @2000mA (without LiPo battery).
2 LiPo Battery connector Plug in the LiPo battery here.
3 SoM USB port This is the module's main USB port that connects to the microcontroller.
4 JTAG connector This can plug directly into the Particle debugger ribbon cable.
5 Battery switch Controls power between the LiPo connector and the charge controller.
6 SoM power switch Controls 3V3 power to the SoM
7 u-blox USB port This USB port connects directly to the u-blox module for firmware updates.
8 Ethernet connector RJ45 connector for twisted pair Ethernet, 10 or 100 Mbit/sec.
9 PoE connector Connect for the Particle PoE adapter for power-over-Ethernet.
10 Cellular antenna Connector for an external SMA connected cellular antenna.
11 Bluetooth antenna Connector for an external SMA connected antenna for Bluetooth networking.
12 TF/SD Card MicroSD card slot.
13 User LED Blue LED connected to pin D7.
14 Reset Button This is same as the RESET button on the Boron.
15 RGB LED System status indicator RGB LED.
16 Mode Button This is the same as the MODE button on the Boron.
17 Expansion Connector Allows easy access to SoM IO pins.
18 Grove Analog Port Connects to Seeed Studio Grove analog and digital boards.
19 Grove I2C Port Connects to Seeed Studio Grove I2C boards.
20 NFC Antenna U.FL connector for an NFC antenna (optional).
21 Jumpers J12 Enable or disable various features on the evaluation board.
22 SoM connector M.2 connector for the B-Series SoM.
23 Jumpers J13 Enable or disable various features on the evaluation board.
24 Power Jumpers Enable or disable power from the evaluation board.
25 Charge LED Indicate LiPo is charging.
Block Diagram

Mikroe Gen 3 SoM shield

Mikroe Gen 3 SoM

The Gen 3 SoM shield connects a B-Series SoM to mikroBUS Click boards:

M.2 Pin Generic SoM Gen 3 mikroBUS #1 mikroBUS #2
23 ADC0 A0 RST2
33 ADC1 A1 AN1
35 ADC2 A2 AN2
37 ADC3 A3
38 RX TX/D10 RX RX
41 ADC4 A4
43 ADC5 A5
45 ADC6 A6
47 ADC7 A7
48 CS D8 CS1
62 GPIO0 D22 INT1
64 GPIO1 D23 INT2
66 PWM0 D4 CS2
68 PWM1 D5 PWM1
70 PWM2 D6 PWM2
72 PWM3 D7 RST1

There is a huge library of mikroBUS Click expansion boards, however the caveat is that most of them do not already have a Particle software library. If the board is for a common sensor or chip, however, existing Particle libraries for the chip will typically work, even if not designed work with the Click.

For more information, see the Mikroe community page.

Creating a board

First SoM board tutorial

The SoM first board tutorial shows how to get started with the M.2 SoM boards by making the simplest possible design. It's an introduction to working with surface mount components you will need in order to make your own SoM base board.

Board Image

Basic SoM design

This design is a bit more complicated, and includes the PMIC and Fuel Gauge chips that are present on the Electron:

Whole Board

  • bq24195 PMIC
  • MAX17043 Fuel Gauge
  • USB Connector
  • LiPo Connector (JST-PH)
  • M.2 SoM Connector

This is the basic set of features you'll probably want to include in a LiPo battery-powered design. The Evaluation Board is also a good reference to use. This design, however, is simple enough that it can be hand-assembled, though you still need a reflow oven and some of the parts (in particular the fuel gauge and PMIC) are tiny and there are a lot of them.

This board a two-layer circuit board so it can be manufactured inexpensively and edited using the free version of Eagle CAD.

As this board doesn't really do much, you'll unlikely use it as-is, but you can use it as a tutorial for how to hook up the PMIC and fuel gauge.

Software differences

User firmware binary size

One major advantage of Gen 3 devices is that user firmware binaries in Device OS 3.1.0 and later can be up to 256 Kbytes, instead of 128 Kbytes in earlier version of Device OS and on Gen 2 devices. The larger firmware binary support will not be added to Gen 2 in the future, and will only be available on Gen 3 devices.

Flash file system

There is a flash file system (2 MB except on the Tracker which is 4 MB) for storing user data, on Gen 3 devices only.

Combined and resumable OTA

On Gen 3 devices, over-the-air (OTA) updates have two features that can improve the speed and reliability of OTA updates:

  • Combined OTA can combine Device OS and user firmware updates into a single binary that requires only one download and one reboot to install.
  • Resumable OTA allows an update to resume from the point it stopped, instead of starting over from the beginning if interrupted.

Asset OTA

Asset OTA (available in Device OS 5.5.0 and later), makes it possible to include bundled assets in an OTA software update that can be delivered to other processors and components in your product.

Increased API field limits

The maximum size of a variable, function parameter, or publish is 1024 bytes on the B-Series SoM vs. 864 bytes on the Electron.

API Field Electron B-Series SoM
Variable Key 64 64
Variable Data 864 1024
Function Key 64 64
Function Argument 864 1024
Publish/Subscribe Event Name 64 64
Publish/Subscribe Event Data 864 1024

Hardware differences


Measure Electron B-Series SoM
MCU STM32F205 nRF52840
Manufacturer ST Microelectronics Nordic Semiconductor
Processor ARM Cortex M3 ARM Cortex M4F
Speed 120 MHz 64 MHz
RAM 128 KB 256 KB
Flash (MCU) 1 MB 1 MB
Flash (external)   4 MB
Hardware floating point  
  • Not all RAM is available to user applications. The Device OS firmware uses a portion of it.

BLE (Bluetooth LE)

  • Bluetooth LE (BLE 5.0) is supported on B-Series SoM but not the Electron.

NFC tag

  • NFC tag mode is supported on the B-Series SoM but not the Electron.


There are fewer available GPIO pins on the B-Series SoM than the Electron. If you need a large number of GPIO pins, an external GPIO expander connected by I2C or SPI is a good option.

Electron Pin Name Electron GPIO B-Series SoM Pin B-Series SoM Pin Name B-Series SoM GPIO
A0 23 A0 / D19
A1 33 A1 / D18
A2 35 A2 / D17
A3 37 A3 / D16
A4 41 A4 / D15
A5 43 A5 / D14
D0 22 D0
D1 20 D1
D2 42 D2
    62 D22
    64 D23
D3 40 D3
D4 66 D4
D5 68 D5
D6 70 D6
D7 Yes. Note that this controls the on-board blue LED. 72 D7
    48 D8
DAC / A6 45 A6
    50 MISO / D11
    52 MOSI / D12
RX 38 RX / D10
    54 SCK / D13
TX 36 TX / D9
WKP / A7 47 A7

The MCP23008 is an 8-port GPIO expander that connects to I2C and works well with Gen 3 devices. You can connect up to 8 of them to a single I2C interface. the MCP23017 has 16-ports, and you can also connect 8 of them, for a total of 128 GPIO ports.

The application note AN013 Tracker GPIO shows how you can add additional GPIO to your Tracker One using the external M8 connector, however the same technique can also be used with the B-Series SoM. It includes both 3.3V and 5V design options.

5V tolerance

The other difference in the GPIO between Gen 2 and Gen 3 is with 5V tolerance. While both devices are 3.3V devices and only will drive 3.3V, the I/O pins on Gen 2 devices (with the exception of A3 and A6) are 5V tolerant. This allows a Gen 2 device to connect to some 5V peripherals directly.

You must not connect 5V peripherals to a Gen 3 device. This includes GPIO, ports (serial, I2C, SPI), and ADC.

Interfacing with 5V peripherals can be done with a level shifter, a MOSFET, or a 5V GPIO expander.

Beware of leakage current

If you have circuitry that can disconnect the nRF52840 MCU 3V3 power, beware of situations where current can leak into GPIO pins from an external supply.

For example, if you have 3V3 disconnect circuitry but have pull-ups to non-disconnected power, when MCU 3V3 is powered down current can flow into the GPIO causing the MCU to not fully power down. This can prevent the MCU from resetting when power is reapplied. It will also cause excess power consumption when powered down.


  • The B-Series SoM and Electron both have two SPI ports.
  • In most cases, you can share a single SPI bus with many peripherals.
  • On the Electron, SPI1 and SPI2 share the same MCU SPI interface but have different pin locations. You can only use one or the other.
Electron Pin Name Electron SPI B-Series SoM Pin B-Series SoM Pin Name B-Series SoM SPI
A2 SPI (SS) 35 A2 / D17  
A3 SPI (SCK) 37 A3 / D16  
A4 SPI (MISO) 41 A4 / D15  
A5 SPI (MOSI) 43 A5 / D14  
C1 SPI2 (MOSI)      
C2 SPI2 (MISO)      
C3 SPI2 (SCK)      
D2 SPI1 (MOSI) 42 D2 SPI1 (SCK)
D3 SPI1 (MISO) 40 D3 SPI1 (MOSI)
D4 SPI1 (SCK) 66 D4 SPI1 (MISO)
D5 SPI1 (SS) 68 D5  
    48 D8 SPI (SS)
    50 MISO / D11 SPI (MISO)
    52 MOSI / D12 SPI (MOSI)
    54 SCK / D13 SPI (SCK)

Serial (UART)

There are more UART ports on the Gen 2 devices than Gen 3. If you need more hardware serial ports, the best option is to use the SC16IS740 or its relatives like the SC16IS750. These devices connect by I2C or SPI, and you can add multiple ports this way.

Serial baud rates

Baud Rate Gen 2 Gen 3

Serial configurations

Constant Description Gen 2 Gen 3
SERIAL_8N1 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (default)
SERIAL_8N2 8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits  
SERIAL_8E1 8 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit
SERIAL_8E2 8 data bits, even parity, 2 stop bits  
SERIAL_8O1 8 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit  
SERIAL_8O2 8 data bits, odd parity, 2 stop bits  
SERIAL_9N1 9 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit  
SERIAL_9N2 9 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits  
SERIAL_7O1 7 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit  
SERIAL_7O2 7 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit  
SERIAL_7E1 7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit  
SERIAL_7E2 7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit  
LIN_MASTER_13B 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, LIN Master mode with 13-bit break generation  
LIN_SLAVE_10B 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, LIN Slave mode with 10-bit break detection  
LIN_SLAVE_11B 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, LIN Slave mode with 11-bit break detection  
  • Using an I2C or SPI UART like the SC16IS750 is also a good way to add support for other bit length, parity, and stop bit options on Gen 3 devices.
Electron Pin Name Electron Serial B-Series SoM Pin B-Series SoM Pin Name B-Series SoM Serial
C0 USART5_RX      
C1 USART5_TX      
C2 USART4_RX      
C3 USART4_TX      
D2   42 D2 Serial1 RTS
D3   40 D3 Serial1 CTS
RX Serial1 (RX) 38 RX / D10 Serial1 RX
TX Serial1 (TX) 36 TX / D9 Serial1 TX

Analog input (ADC)

The B-Series SoM does not have an many ADC ports as the Electron. You can add additional ADC ports using a SPI or I2C ADC.

Electron Pin Name Electron ADC B-Series SoM Pin B-Series SoM Pin Name B-Series SoM ADC
A0 23 A0 / D19
A1 33 A1 / D18
A2 35 A2 / D17
A3 37 A3 / D16
A4 41 A4 / D15
A5 43 A5 / D14
DAC / A6 45 A6
WKP / A7 47 A7

PWM (Pulse-width modulation)

These are differences in pins that support PWM between the Electron and B-Series SoM.

Electron Pin Name Electron PWM B-Series SoM Pin B-Series SoM Pin Name B-Series SoM PWM B-Series SoM Hardware Timer
A0   23 A0 / D19 PWM2
A1   33 A1 / D18 PWM2
A4 41 A4 / D15    
A5 43 A5 / D14    
D0 22 D0    
D1 20 D1    
D2 42 D2    
D3 40 D3    
D4   66 D4 PWM1
D5   68 D5 PWM1
D6   70 D6 PWM1
D7   72 D7 PWM0
DAC / A6   45 A6 PWM2
RX 38 RX / D10    
TX 36 TX / D9    
WKP / A7 47 A7 PWM2

PWM - Gen 3

On Gen 3 devices, the PWM frequency is from 5 Hz to analogWriteMaxFrequency(pin) (default is 500 Hz).

On the B-Series SoM, pins D4, D5, D7, A0, A1, A6, and A7 can be used for PWM. Pins are assigned a PWM group. Each group must share the same frequency and resolution, but individual pins in the group can have a different duty cycle.

  • Group 2: Pins A0, A1, A6, and A7.
  • Group 1: Pins D4, D5, and D6.
  • Group 0: Pin D7 and the RGB LED. This must use the default resolution of 8 bits (0-255) and frequency of 500 Hz.

It is also possible to add an external PWM driver such as the PCA9685 which adds 16 outputs via I2C. You can add 62 of these to a single I2C bus for 992 PWM outputs! The Adafruit_PWMServoDriver library supports this chip on all Particle devices.

PWM - Gen 2

On the Electron and E-Series, this function works on pins D0, D1, D2, D3, A4, A5, WKP, RX, TX, B0, B1, B2, B3, C4, and C5 with a caveat: PWM timer peripheral is duplicated on two pins (A5/D2) and (A4/D3) for 7 total independent PWM outputs. For example: PWM may be used on A5 while D2 is used as a GPIO, or D2 as a PWM while A5 is used as an analog input. However A5 and D2 cannot be used as independently controlled PWM outputs at the same time.

Internal pull-up or pull-down

Internal (MCU) pull-up and pull-down can be enabled using the pinMode() function and INPUT_PULLUP or INPUT_PULLDOWN.

On both the B-Series SoM (Gen 3), the internal pull is approximately 16K. On the Electron it is approximately 40K.

Retained memory

Retained memory, also referred to as Backup RAM or SRAM, that is preserved across device reset.

On both the Boron and B-Series SoM, retained memory is 3068 bytes, same as the Electron.

The flash file system on Gen 3 devices can also be used for data storage, however care must be taken to avoid excessive wear of the flash for frequently changing data.


Interrupts - Gen 2

Not supported on the Electron/E series (you can't use attachInterrupt on these pins):

  • D0, A5 (shared with MODE button)
  • D7 (shared with BATT_INT_PC13)
  • C1 (shared with RXD_UC)
  • C2 (shared with RI_UC)

No restrictions on the Electron/E-Series (all of these can be used at the same time):

  • D5, D6

Shared on the Electron/E-Series (only one pin for each bullet item can be used at the same time):

  • D1, A4, B1
  • D2, A0, A3
  • D3, DAC
  • D4, A1
  • A2, C0
  • A7 (WKP), B2, B4
  • B0, C5
  • B3, B5
  • C3, TX
  • C4, RX

Interrupts - Gen 3

There is a limit of 8 pins with interrupt handlers, however the selection of pins is not restricted.


  • Gen 2 devices have two DAC (digital-to-analog converter), on pins A3 and A6.

  • Gen 3 devices do not have built-in DAC, however they can easily be added by I2C or SPI to your base board.

CAN bus

  • Gen 3 devices do not support CAN on the MCU.
  • The Tracker SoM includes CAN via a MCP25625 CAN interface with integrated transceiver.
  • Both the MCP2515 and MCP25625 work with the library used on the Tracker and can be used to add CAN to other Gen 3 devices.

I2S (Sound)

  • The Electron theoretically had I2S sound available on pins D1 and D2, however there has never been support for it in Device OS.
  • I2S is available on Gen 3 devices including the B-Series SoM on any GPIO pins using a 3rd-party library.

Sleep modes

  • In general, Gen 3 devices use less power in all modes.
  • In HIBERNATE mode, the RTC (real time clock) does not run on Gen 3 devices, so you cannot wake by time from HIBERNATE mode (formerly known as SLEEP_MODE_DEEP).
  • However, you can wake by time from ULTRA_LOW_POWER mode, and it uses less power than the Gen 2 HIBERNATE mode.
  • On Gen 2 devices, you can only wake from HIBERNATE with a rising signal on WKP (A7). Gen 3 devices can wake from HIBERNATE on any pin, rising or falling.
  • On Gen 2 (STM32F205) devices, if you try to go into HIBERNATE mode with WKP already high, the device will go into sleep and will not wake up by time or pin change, essentially rendering it unable to wake until reset manually. This problem does not occur on Gen 3 devices.

RTC (Real-time clock)

  • The E-Series module has the ability to use an external lithium coin cell or supercap to power the RTC when the MCU is unpowered. This feature is difficult to access on the Electron (requires removing a resistor on the module) and does not exist on Gen 3 devices.
  • The RTC on Gen 3 devices is not really a real-time clock. It's basically just a counter, and some advanced wakeup features are not possible on Gen 3 devices. These features were not enabled by Device OS on Gen 2 devices, either, so this is generally not an issue.
  • On Gen 3 devices, in HIBERNATE sleep mode the RTC does not run, so it is not possible to wake by time, and the system clock will not be set until you connect to the cloud again. ULTRA_LOW_POWER is recommended instead.
  • The Tracker SoM has a separate real-time clock and watchdog (AM1805) chip allowing it to wake from HIBERNATE based on time.


  • Gen 2 devices support SWD on D6 and D7, and full JTAG on D3, D4, D5, D6, and D7.
  • Gen 3 devices only support SWD, and do so via a dedicated debug connector.
  • The Boron has the debug connector on top of the module.
  • The B-Series SoM has SWD on pads on the bottom of the SoM. The evaluation board connects to these with pogo pins and breaks out to the same 2x5 connector that is on the Boron.

JTAG pin warning - Gen 2

On Gen 2 devices, beware when using pins D3, D5, D6, and D7 as OUTPUT controlling external devices. After reset, these pins will be briefly taken over for JTAG/SWD, before being restored to the default high-impedance INPUT state during boot.

  • D3, D5, and D7 are pulled high with a pull-up
  • D6 is pulled low with a pull-down
  • D4 is left floating

The brief change in state (especially when connected to a MOSFET that can be triggered by the pull-up or pull-down) may cause issues when using these pins in certain circuits. Using STARTUP will not prevent this!

This is not an issue with Gen 3 devices that have dedicated SWD pins.

If you are relying on this behavior for external circuits, you should instead use a hardware pull-up or pull-down on Gen 3 devices. The pins default to high-impedance state, and this means they will stay in this state when in the bootloader, DFU mode, and safe mode.

PMIC and Fuel gauge

The Electron, E-Series, Boron, and Tracker SoM all include the PMIC (bq24195) and battery fuel gauge (MAX17043) on the module itself.

On the B-Series SoM, the PMIC and fuel gauge are optional. For example, if you are powering by an external power supply and not using a battery, you can omit the components entirely.


  • The Electron has a Micro USB B connector. The B-Series SoM does not have a USB connector. It is recommended that you add one to your base board for programming and troubleshooting.
  • Gen 2 devices can emulate a USB mouse or keyboard over the USB port. This feature is not available on Gen 3.
  • Gen 2 devices can support two separate USB serial emulation streams over the USB port. Gen 3 devices only support the normal Serial interface.
USB Feature Electron B-Series SoM
Secondary USB serial emulation USBSerial1
USB keyboard emulation
USB mouse emulation

NFC tag

The B-Series SoM has NFC Tag support, however you must add a U.FL antenna connector to your base board to use it.

Note that this only supports emulating an NFC tag that can be read by an another reader or smartphone. It does not allow the B-Series SoM to detect other tags!

PMIC Notes

When using the B-Series SoM with a bq24195 PMIC, note the following:

By default, the bq24195 sets the input current limit, which affects powering by VIN and VUSB, to 100 mA. This affects the VSYS output of the PMIC, which powers both the cellular modem and 3V3 supply, and is not enough to power the B-Series SoM in normal operation.

If your device has the default firmware (Tinker), it will attempt to connect to the cloud, brown out due to insufficient current, then the device will reset. This may result in what appears to be the status LED blinking white, but is actually rolling reboot caused by brownout.

A factory new B-Series SoM does not enable the PMIC setup. To enable the use of the bq21415, you must enable the system power feature PMIC_DETECTION in your code. This defaults to off because the B-Series SoM can be used without a PMIC, or with a different PMIC, and also requires I2C on D0/D1, and some base boards may use those pins as GPIO.

Because the input current limit does not affect the battery input (Li+), for troubleshooting purposes it can be helpful to attach a battery to help rule out input current limit issues. It's also possible to supply 3.7V via a bench power supply to the battery input, instead of VIN.

The input current limit can result in a situation where you can't bring up a B-Series SoM because it browns out continuously, but also cannot flash code to it to stop if from browning out. There are two general solutions:

  • Attach a battery or supply by Li+ when bringing up a board.
  • Use SWD/JTAG and reset halt the MCU. This will prevent it from connecting to the cloud, so you can flash Device OS and firmware to it by SWD.

The input current limit is actually controlled by three factors:

  • The power source max current setting in the PMIC. The default is 900 mA. It can be set to 100, 150, 500, 900, 1200, 1500, 2000, or 3000 mA.
  • It is also limited by the hardware ILIM resistor. On Particle devices with a built-in PMIC, this is set to 1590 mA, but if you are implementing your own PMIC hardware, you can adjust this higher.
  • When connected by USB, it will use DPDM, current negotiation via the USB DP (D+) and DM (D-) lines.

Note that some 2A tablet chargers and multi-port USB power supplies supply 2A but do not implement DPDM; these will be treated as if VIN was used, and you must set the power source current, otherwise the input current will be limited to 900 mA, which is not enough to power a 2G/3G cellular modem without an attached battery.


The B-Series SoM has U.FL antenna connectors for BLE and cellular antennas. A connector for NFC can be added from your base board.

The Electron has a U.FL connector for the cellular antenna, and does not have BLE or NFC tag capabilities.

Both require an external cellular antenna.

Device SKU Included Antenna Alternate Lifecycle
B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] B504MEA PARANTCW1EA   GA
B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x50] B504MTY   PARANTCW1TY   GA
B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM+), [x1] B504EMEA PARANTCW1EA   In development
B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM+), [x50] B504EMTY   PARANTCW1TY   In development
B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM) [x1] B524MEA ANTCW2EA   GA
B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] B524MTY   ANTCW2TY   GA
B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe) [x1] B523MEA ANTCW2EA   Deprecated
B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe), Tray [x50] B523MTY   ANTCW2TY   NRND
B-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] B402MEA ANTCW2EA   Deprecated
B-Series LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] B402MTY   ANTCW2TY   Deprecated
B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] B404MEA ANTCW2EA   Deprecated
B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] B404XMEA PARANTC41EA ANT-FLXU3 GA
B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] B404MTY   ANTCW2TY   NRND
B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] B404XMTY   PARANTC41TY ANT-FLXU-503 GA
Electron 2G (Global), Tray [x50] E350TRAY50   ANTELEC50   Deprecated
Electron 2G Kit (Global) E350KIT ANTELEC   Deprecated
Electron 2G/3G (Americas/Aus) Starter Kit, [x1] E260KIT ANTELEC   Deprecated
Electron 2G/3G (Americas/Aus), Tray [x50] E260TRAY50   ANTELEC50   Deprecated
Electron 2G/3G (EMEA) Starter Kit, [x1] E270KIT ANTELEC   Deprecated
Electron 2G/3G (EMEA), Tray [x50] E270TRAY50   ANTELEC50   NRND
Electron 2G/3G (Global - U201) , Tray [x50] ELC314TY   ANT-FLXU-50   NRND
Electron 3G (Americas/Aus) Sensor Kit, [x1] SNSRKIT3G260 ANT-ELEC   Deprecated
Electron 3G (Eur/Asia/Afr) Sensor Kit, [x1] SNSRKIT3G270 ANT-ELEC   Deprecated
Electron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] ELC404TY   ANT-FLXU-50 ANTCW2TY2 Deprecated
Electron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), [x1] ELC402EA ANT-FLXU ANTCW2EA2 Deprecated
Electron LTE CAT-M1 (NorAm), Tray [x50] ELC402TY   ANT-FLXU-50 ANTCW2TY2 Deprecated

2This device originally shipped with one antenna (ANTELEC or ANT-FLXU) however the ANTCW2EA is listed as an alternative. The ANTCW2EA (or ANTCW2TY) is recommended as most new designs will use this antenna and using this antenna will reduce the number of SKUs you need to stock when building a product at tray quantities.

Length 116mm 122.1mm 97.0mm 96.0mm 80.0mm
Width 27mm 12.8mm 21.0mm 21.0mm 20.0mm
Thickness 0.2mm 0.2mm 0.2mm 0.2mm 0.2mm
Cable Length 189.5mm 183mm 160mm 150mm 164mm

PARANTC41EA/PARANTC41TY are slightly longer than ANTCW2EA/ANTCW2TY. The antenna can be bent when being placed inside an enclosure. There are a couple restrictions to ensure good performance:

  • Do not bend more the 90 degrees. Right angle turns are acceptable, but do not fold the antenna over on itself.
  • The antenna should not be creased when it is bent into position. A crease can damage the internal structure of the antenna.
  • The antenna should always be affixed along its entire length. Do not affix a portion of the antenna and leave a portion free floating.
  • All portions of the antenna should maintain proper spacing from electronics, grounded metal, or active metal.
    • Recommended: 12mm
    • Minimum: 8mm
  • Ideally when placing the antenna it should not have a bend in it, but following the above guidelines, there should be minimal performance degradation.

4FF nano SIM card socket

The B-Series SoM can only be used with the built-in MFF2 SMD Particle SIM card.

The Electron 2G and 2G/3G models can be used with a 4FF plastic Particle SIM or 3rd-party SIM card. The Electron LTE can only be used with the built-in MFF2 SMD Particle SIM card.

Full module pin comparison


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 36 10
  Pin Name 3V3 3V3
Description Regulated 3.3V DC output, maximum load 800 mA. Cannot be used as a power input. System power in, supply a fixed 3.0-3.6v power.


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 12 23
  Pin Name A0 A0
Pin Alternate Name n/a D19
Description A0 Analog in, GPIO A0 Analog in, GPIO, PWM
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
  Supports analogRead Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) No Yes
Supports tone No A0, A1, A6, and A7 must have the same frequency.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. D2, A0, and A3 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 11 33
  Pin Name A1 A1
Pin Alternate Name n/a D18
Description A1 Analog in, GPIO A1 Analog in, GPIO, PWM
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
  Supports analogRead Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) No Yes
Supports tone No A0, A1, A6, and A7 must have the same frequency.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. D4 and A1 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 10 35
  Pin Name A2 A2
Pin Alternate Name n/a D17
Description A2 Analog in, GPIO, SPI SS A2 Analog in, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
  Supports analogRead Yes Yes
SPI interface SS. Use SPI object. This is only the default SS/CS pin, you can use any GPIO instead. n/a
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. A2 and C0 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 9 37
  Pin Name A3 A3
Pin Alternate Name n/a D16
Description A3 True analog out, analog in, GPIO. A3 Analog in, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
  Supports analogRead Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (DAC) Yes No
SPI interface SCK. Use SPI object. n/a
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. D2, A0, and A3 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 8 41
  Pin Name A4 A4
Pin Alternate Name n/a D15
Description A4 Analog in, GPIO, SPI MISO. A4 Analog in, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
  Supports analogRead Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes. D3 and A4 share the same PWM channel and the PWM duty cycle is set for both. No
Supports tone Yes. D3 and A4 share the same PWM channel and only one frequency can be set for both. No
SPI interface MISO. Use SPI object. n/a
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. D1 and A4 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 7 43
  Pin Name A5 A5
Pin Alternate Name n/a D14
Description A5 Analog in, GPIO, SPI MOSI. A5 Analog in, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
  Supports analogRead Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes. D2 and A5 share the same PWM channel and the PWM duty cycle is set for both. No
Supports tone Yes. D2 and A5 share the same PWM channel and only one frequency can be set for both. No
SPI interface MOSI. Use SPI object. n/a
Supports attachInterrupt No Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 39
Pin Name AGND
Description Analog Ground.


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 18
Pin Name B0
Description B0, GPIO, PWM
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes
Supports tone Yes
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. B0 and C5 share the same interrupt handler.
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 17
Pin Name B1
Description B1, GPIO, PWM
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes
Supports tone Yes
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. D1, A4, and B1 share the same interrupt handler.
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 16
Pin Name B2
Description B2, analog in, GPIO, PWM
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
Supports analogRead Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes
Supports tone Yes
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. A7 (WKP), B2, and B4 share the same interrupt handler.
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 15
Pin Name B3
Description B3, analog in, GPIO, PWM
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
Supports analogRead Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes
Supports tone Yes
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. B3 and B5 share the same interrupt handler.
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 14
Pin Name B4
Description B4 Analog in, GPIO
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
Supports analogRead Yes
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. A7 (WKP), B2, and B4 share the same interrupt handler.
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 13
Pin Name B5
Description B5 Analog in, GPIO
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
Supports analogRead Yes
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. B3 and B5 share the same interrupt handler.
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 19
Pin Name C0
Description Serial5 RX (received data), GPIO.
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
UART serial RX. Use Serial5 object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. A2 and C0 share the same interrupt handler.
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 20
Pin Name C1
Description Serial5 TX (trasmitted data), SPI2 MOSI, GPIO.
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
UART serial TX. Use Serial5 object.
SPI interface MOSI. Use SPI2 object.
Supports attachInterrupt No. Shared with RXD_UC.
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 21
Pin Name C2
Description Serial4 RX (received data), SPI2 MISO, GPIO.
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
UART serial RX. Use Serial4 object.
SPI interface MISO. Use SPI2 object.
Supports attachInterrupt No. Shared with RI_UC.
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 22
Pin Name C3
Description Serial4 TX (transmitted data), SPI2 SCK, GPIO.
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
UART serial TX. Use Serial4 object.
SPI interface SCK. Use SPI2 object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. C3 and TX share the same interrupt handler.
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 23
Pin Name C4
Description I2C, CAN TX, GPIO.
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes
Supports tone Yes
I2C interface SDA. Use Wire1 object. You can only use Wire or Wire1, not both!
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. C4 and RX share the same interrupt handler.
CAN interface CAN1_TX
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 24
Pin Name C5
Description I2C, CAN RX, GPIO.
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes
Supports tone Yes
I2C interface SCL. Use Wire1 object. You can only use Wire or Wire1, not both!
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. B0 and C5 share the same interrupt handler.
CAN interface CAN1_RX
Internal pull resistance 40K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 46
Description Cellular Modem USB Data-
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 44
Description Cellular Modem USB Data+
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 74
Description USB detect pin for R410M. 5V on this pin enables the Cellular Modem USB interface.
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 25 22
  Pin Name D0 D0
Description D0 GPIO, I2C SDA I2C SDA, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes No
Supports tone Yes No
I2C interface SDA. Use Wire object. Use 1.5K to 10K external pull-up resistor. Is 5V tolerant. SDA. Use Wire object.
Supports attachInterrupt No Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 26 20
  Pin Name D1 D1
Description D0 GPIO, I2C SCL, CAN TX I2C SCL, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes No
Supports tone Yes No
I2C interface SCL. Use Wire object. Use 1.5K to 10K external pull-up resistor. Is 5V tolerant. SCL. Use Wire object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. D1, A4, and B1 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
CAN interface CAN2_TX n/a
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 27 42
  Pin Name D2 D2
Description D2 GPIO, SPI1 MOSI, CAN RX SPI1 SCK, Serial1 RTS, PWM, GPIO, Wire1 SDA
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes. D2 and A5 share the same PWM channel and the PWM duty cycle is set for both. No
Supports tone Yes. D2 and A5 share the same PWM channel and only one frequency can be set for both. No
UART serial n/a RTS. Use Serial1 object.
SPI interface MOSI. Use SPI1 object. SCK. Use SPI1 object.
I2C interface n/a SDA. Use Wire1 object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. D2, A0, and A3 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
CAN interface CAN2_RX n/a
I2S interface I2S3_SD n/a
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 62
Pin Name D22
Description GPIO, Ethernet INT
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 13K


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 64
Pin Name D23
Description GPIO
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 13K


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 28 40
  Pin Name D3 D3
Description D3 GPIO, SPI1 MISO SPI1 MOSI, Serial1 CTS, GPIO, Wire1 SCL
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes. D3 and A4 share the same PWM channel and the PWM duty cycle is set for both. No
Supports tone Yes. D3 and A4 share the same PWM channel and only one frequency can be set for both. No
UART serial n/a CTS. Use Serial1 object.
SPI interface MISO. Use SPI1 object. MOSI. Use SPI1 object.
I2C interface n/a SCL. Use Wire1 object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. D3 and DAC/A6 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K. Pull-up applied in bootloader for JTAG. 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No
JTAG interface JTAG RST. 40K pull-up at boot. n/a
Signal used at boot JTAG RST. 40K pull-up at boot. n/a


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 29 66
  Pin Name D4 D4
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) No Yes
Supports tone No D4, D5, and D6 must have the same frequency.
SPI interface SCK. Use SPI1 object. MISO. Use SPI1 object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. D4 and A1 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
I2S interface I2S3_SCK n/a
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No
JTAG interface JTAG TDO. Floating at boot. n/a
Signal used at boot JTAG TDO. Floating at boot. n/a


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 30 68
  Pin Name D5 D5
Description D5 GPIO, SPI1 SS PWM, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) No Yes
Supports tone No D4, D5, and D6 must have the same frequency.
SPI interface SS. Use SPI1 object. Can use any pin for SPI1 SS/CS however. n/a
Supports attachInterrupt Yes Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
I2S interface I2S3_WS n/a
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No
JTAG interface JTAG TDI. 40K pull-up at boot. n/a
Signal used at boot JTAG TDI. 40K pull-up at boot. n/a


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 31 70
  Pin Name D6 D6
Description D6 GPIO, SWCLK PWM, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) No Yes
Supports tone No D4, D5, and D6 must have the same frequency.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K. Pull-up applied in bootloader for JTAG. 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No
JTAG interface JTAG TCK. 40K pull-down at boot. n/a
SWD interface SWCLK. 40K pull-down at boot. n/a
Signal used at boot JTAG TCK/SWCLK. 40K pull-down at boot. n/a


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 32 72
  Pin Name D7 D7
Description D7 GPIO, Blue LED, SWDIO PWM, GPIO
Supports digitalRead Yes. But the on-board LED will light when 3.3V is supplied on this pin as well. Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes. Note that this controls the on-board blue LED. Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) No PWM is shared with the RGB LED, you can specify a different duty cycle but should not change the frequency.
Supports attachInterrupt No. Shared with BAT_INT_PC13. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K. Pull-up applied in bootloader for JTAG. 13K
JTAG interface JTAG TMS. 40K pull-up at boot. n/a
SWD interface SWDIO. 40K pull-up at boot. n/a
Signal used at boot JTAG TMS/SWDIO. 40K pull-up at boot. n/a


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 48
Pin Name D8
Description GPIO, SPI SS, Ethernet CS
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
SPI interface SS. Use SPI object. This is only the default SS/CS pin, you can use any GPIO instead.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 13K


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 6 45
Pin Name DAC A6
Pin Alternate Name A6 n/a
Description DAC/A6 True analog out, analog in, GPIO. A6 Analog in, PWM, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
  Supports analogRead Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (DAC) Yes No
Supports analogWrite (PWM) No Yes
Supports tone No A0, A1, A6, and A7 must have the same frequency.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. D3 and DAC/A6 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 2 1
  Pin Name GND GND
Description Ground. You only need to use one of the Photon ground pins. Ground.


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 50
Pin Name MISO
Pin Alternate Name D11
Description SPI MISO, GPIO
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
SPI interface MISO. Use SPI object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 13K


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 32
Pin Name MODE
Pin Alternate Name D20
Description MODE button, has internal pull-up


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 52
Pin Name MOSI
Pin Alternate Name D12
Description SPI MOSI, GPIO
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
SPI interface MOSI. Use SPI object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 13K


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 14
Pin Name NC
Description n/a


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 75
Pin Name NC
Description n/a


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 17
Pin Name NFC1
Description NFC Antenna 1


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 19
Pin Name NFC2
Description NFC Antenna 2


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 65
Pin Name RGBB
Description RGB LED Blue


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 63
Pin Name RGBG
Description RGB LED Green


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 61
Pin Name RGBR
Description RGB LED Red


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 35 34
  Pin Name RST RST
Description Hardware reset. Pull low to reset; can leave unconnected in normal operation. Hardware reset, active low. External pull-up required.


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 4 38
  Pin Name RX RX
Pin Alternate Name n/a D10
Description Serial1 RX (received data), GPIO, PWM. Serial RX, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes No
Supports tone Yes No
  UART serial RX. Use Serial1 object. RX. Use Serial1 object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. C4 and RX share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 54
Pin Name SCK
Pin Alternate Name D13
Description SPI SCK, GPIO
Supports digitalRead Yes
Supports digitalWrite Yes
SPI interface SCK. Use SPI object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 13K


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 71
Pin Name SIM_CLK
Description Leave unconnected, 1.8V/3V SIM Clock Output from R410M.


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 73
Description Leave unconnected, 1.8V/3V SIM Data I/O of R410m with internal 4.7 k pull-up.


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 69
Pin Name SIM_RST
Description Leave unconnected, 1.8V/3V SIM Reset Output from R410M.


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 67
Pin Name SIM_VCC
Description Leave unconnected, 1.8V/3V SIM Supply Output from R410M.


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 3 36
  Pin Name TX TX
Pin Alternate Name n/a D9
Description Serial1 TX (transmitted data), GPIO, PWM. Serial TX, GPIO
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes No
Supports tone Yes No
  UART serial TX. Use Serial1 object. TX. Use Serial1 object.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. C3 and TX share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 13
Description USB Data-
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 11
Description USB Data+
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 34
Pin Name VBAT
Description Battery for internal real-time clock, jumpered to 3V3.


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 2
Pin Name VCC
Description System power in, connect to the +LiPo or supply a fixed 3.6-4.3v power.


Removed from Electron
Pin Number 1
Pin Name VIN
Description Power in 3.9V to 12 VDC. Or power out (when powered by USB) 4.8 VDC at 1A maximum.


Added to B-Series SoM
Pin Number 16
Pin Name VUSB
Description USB VUSB power pin
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes


Electron B-Series SoM
Pin Number 5 47
Pin Name WKP A7
Pin Alternate Name A7 n/a
Description WKP/A7 Wakeup (active high), analog in, GPIO. A7 Analog in, GPIO, Ethernet Reset
  Supports digitalRead Yes Yes
  Supports digitalWrite Yes Yes
  Supports analogRead Yes Yes
  Supports analogWrite (PWM) Yes Yes
Supports tone Yes A0, A1, A6, and A7 must have the same frequency.
Supports attachInterrupt Yes. A7 (WKP), B2, and B4 share the same interrupt handler. Yes. You can only have 8 active interrupt pins.
Internal pull resistance 40K 13K
Input is 5V Tolerant Yes No

Country compatibility

Country Electron U260 Electron U270 Electron LTE B404X B524
Antigua and Barbuda        
Bosnia and Herzegovina      
Burkina Faso        
Cabo Verde      
Cayman Islands        
Congo (Brazzaville)      
Congo (Kinshasa)        
Costa Rica        
Côte d'Ivoire      
Dominican Republic        
El Salvador        
Faroe Islands        
French Guiana        
Hong Kong      
New Zealand    
North Macedonia        
Papua New Guinea        
Puerto Rico        
Saint Kitts and Nevis        
Saint Lucia        
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines        
Sint Maarten        
South Africa      
South Korea      
South Sudan        
Sri Lanka      
Trinidad and Tobago        
United Arab Emirates        
United Kingdom      
United States    
Virgin Islands (British)        


Platform ID

Platform ID Name Description
10 electron Electron and E-Series
13 boron Boron (all models)
23 bsom B404X, B404, and B402 B-Series SoM
25 b5som B524, B523 B-Series SoM

If you have a product based on the Electron, you will need to create a separate product (or two) for devices using the B-Series SoM. While you may be able to use the same source code to build your application, the firmware binaries uploaded to the console will be different, so they need to be separate products. This generally does not affect billing as only the number of devices, not the number of products, is counted toward your plan limits.

The reason there are separate platforms for the B4xx and B5xx SoM is that they have different cellular modem manufacturers, u-blox and Quectel, respectively. All Boron models have u-blox cellular modems and thus can share a single platform.

Third-party libraries

Most common third-party libraries work on both devices. The exceptions are libraries that depend on specific hardware in the STM32F205 processor. For example:

  • SparkIntervalTimer depends on the STM32 hardware timers
  • Libraries that use ADC DMA features of the STM32 directly
  • Code that uses timing loops that depend on the MCU clock frequency


SKU Description Region Lifecycle
B404XMEA B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] NORAM GA
B404XMTY B-Series LTE-M (NorAm, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] NORAM GA
B504MEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x1] NORAM GA
B504MTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM), [x50] NORAM GA
B524MEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM) [x1] EMEAA GA
B524MTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G/2G (Europe, EtherSIM), Tray [x50] EMEAA GA
M2EVAL Particle M.2 SoM Evaluation Board [x1] Global GA
B504EMEA B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM+), [x1] NORAM In development
B504EMTY B-Series LTE CAT-1/3G (NorAm, EtherSIM+), [x50] NORAM In development
  • EMEAA: Selected countries in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia, including Australia and New Zealand. See the cellular carrier list for more information.

Version history

Revision Date Author Comments
1 2022-11-15 RK Initial version
2 2022-12-10 RK Added PMIC notes